5- welcome*

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We make it back to my bunker before night fall which is important. You can't kill zombies if you can't see them.

I open the second heavy door into my bunker. I take off my axe, put it by the door and flick on the lights. There is a bit of natural light during the day because of the narrow windows right at the top of the bunker. They look out into the garden floor.

"Wow! This place is..."

"Awsome? I know." I smile looking around the fairly big room. At the back are racks with some cans of food. Next to that is my weapons corner. I've been stocking as much as I can.

In another corner is my blow up bed with some gadgets and in the last corner is actually a bathroom.

"How long have you been staying here?" Si asks as he walks to the weapons corner. I side step in front of him.

"You're not going there. Wash up or whateves. We are going to eat soon."

"Cool" he smiles and runs to the bathroom.

"Hey, the toilet is so cool!"

"It's just a pipe that leads straight down into the sewage. It was pure luck!" I shout back while preparing dinner. It's just a can of Viennas and veggies enough for two. Now I'm wasting my meals on this guy.

A minute later, Si walks back in with a cleaner face.

"You have water?"

"It's from the rain. I have buckets on the roof of this house." The bathroom has a tank of water with the only water I have excluding the few bottles in the small kitchen.

"How are you so stocked?" Si looks around still amazed.

"I used to live in the house above. Down here we just kept storage. Extra food, appliances, random stuff really. So when things started going down hill I came down under. Luckily the door leads outside and not into the house."

"Lucky. You truly are lucky." Si grabs the container I hand him.

"It's funny cause I always thought It was dumb how the door leads into the garden and not the house." I take my food too and sit on a nearby chair. Si sits across from me on a box and eats like he hasn't seen food in days.

"Damn, calm down. No one's going to steal it." I smile after swallowing.

"But it could be days till I eat again."

"Unless you stay" wait what!? "I mean, unless I let you stay." I correct myself. When I look up from my food, Si is smiling while chewing.

"O-kay" he goes back to eating. We chat more and I actually laugh at some of the things he says.

After we eat I go into the bathroom and wash up for the week.

When I walk out Si happens to pull out a box of tampons I had shoved in the bag. He looks up at me.

"Give me my things." I reach out to take it but he moves at the last second. I try again but he moves again.

"Si! Don't make this weird and give." Swip "me" miss "my" jump "things" I jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and reach up and grab the box that was above he's head.

"Yess" I smile but remember what i'm doing. Legs wrapped around a strangers waist with my breasts basically in he's face.

I instantly jump off.

"Sorry" I fix myself and go put the box with the rest of my personal stuff. Si laughs from behind me but at least I don't blush but if I could I would.

I turn back around acting unfazed.

"You will be sleeping on the ground. Sorry not sorry but over there is a sleeping bag from a camping trip I went to once so you should be fine."

"Oohh. Camping?  Where?"

"Drakensburg Mountains six years ago. Okay hurry. The electricity is solar." I take of my shoes and get ready for bed.


"Oh, we always had solar panels. All I did was connect it down here. Okay, ready?"

"Wait" Si takes off he's shirt and jeans and I can't help but stare at his muscles. I couldn't tell before but now... wow. You can tell that he's been hungry though.

Just as he looks up, so do I. Si smirks before getting into the sleeping bag a few steps away. And I flick of the light and rush to the bed and jump in.

"You keep on speaking of we. Who is we?"

"Goodnight Si."

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