6- sarcasm at it's best#

180 14 2

Ryder above.

I wake up startled holding up the knife that was under my pillow. Si takes a step back.

"Woah. That was creepy and cool." He takes another step back.

"Whats creepy is you, you were staring at me. I could feel it in my sleep."

"I came to wake you up and before I could you bolted up." I narrow my eyes and sit up.

"What time is it?" I ask whilst yawning.

"10 o'clock on the dot."

"What!? I never wake up this late but I did sleep quit late."

"We slept at maybe eight."

"You slept at eight. I stayed up watching you, just in case you tried anything dodgy but it wouldn't make a difference because the door is locked and I'm the only one who knows where the key is." I stand to grab a bottle of water.

"So now do you trust me?" He smiles in hope.


"Why!? If I wanted to do anything bad I would have done it while you were asleep. I didn't even know the door was locked." I look at him for some time. My brown eyes into he's green- sparkling with mischief- eyes.

"Rules: two bottles of water a day. Wash once a week including clothes. Two cans of food a day and one fruit. You help find what we eat and use. We exercise and no touching anything in the weapons corner till I say so. Got it?" He smiles.

"Yes mam." He turn and grabs a can of corn.

"Nope" I snatch it from he's hands. "Exercise first."


"Do you wanna leave?" I challenge

"So what's first? Push up, lunges or Squats" he wiggles he's brows at the end and I actually smile. What am I doing?

After we exercise and ate, I decided to go get ready. I walk out the bathroom tying up my hair. Si looks me over quickly. I'm wearing shorts, a black shirt my white gloves and trusted combats with a denim jacket over.

"so what we doing today?"

" winter is approaching so we need to go out and get some supplies. Better safe than sorry." I pick up my bag and make my way to the door.

"And, are you coming?" I ask as I unlock the door.

"Oh, now."

"When else?" Si shrugs and stands making his way to me.

"wait." He stops "I don't have a gun though so how am I going to be protected"

I sigh in anoyence.

"fine you can have your gun back but one wrong move..." I let the sentence hang. I hand Si's gun back to him but he looks at me with a pleading expression.


"Do you happen to have extra ammo for a nine millimeter?"

"Yah but I prefer not to use guns. The noise attracts zombies so you keep that on the side but choose another weapon." I walk over to the weapons section. There aren't that many but I have collected a lot of ammo this past two years. I would have more if the other stuff wasn't stolen. I pick up an extra magazine for a nine mil and hand it to Si.

"So we have a long sword that I randomly found, we have a whip which won't help at all and we got a metal baseball bat. Pick your weapon of choice."

I turn back to Si and he's got a confused expression on his face

"where did you get the whip?"

"it was a Halloween costume"

"What were you? A sexy cop? A sexy cat women?" He smiles while wiggling his brows.

"I will whip you" I say in a joking manner.

"I'm not into those types of stuff but if you are, I don't mind trying." Si does some weird whip action with his arm with the 'whichsh' sound. I laugh hestericly. Where did I find this guy.

"Just choose something so we can go."

"Hmmm... I'll take... the sword."

"How did I know? But I don't care, as long as you don't stab yourself we're good." I hand the sword and seath to him.

"Let's go." I walk past Si while he studies the sword, fascinated.

"Is this real?"

"No hey, I gave you a styraphone one in a zombie apocalypse" sarcasm dripping from every word as I walk out and Si comes behind me.

"Close the door tight!" I call over my shoulder while ascending the short stack of stairs. I don't lock the bottom door when I'm not home because if there was an emergency and I had to get into my bunker fast, there is no time to be fumbling with a key.


The door closes.

"Could you keep it quit. Geez! It's like you want us to get eaten."


I open the top door and get ready for any nasty surprises. Some E-Zombies are still out there and are not as stupid as we think.

We've gone through a number of small stores finding a can of food if we are lucky.

"Last stop, the mall." We stand outside a tall building that's been trashed and some places burned. Most windows have been shattered and overall, it looks like the typical horror movie.

"Why here?" Si cranes his head up, squinting as the sun shines on his face. Only now do I notice he's sharp jawline and actually smooth skin with a bit of dirt from our adventures.


"Huh?" I snap out of my day dream. "Oh, I know there are some stuff here. I've been 'tracking' the place for the last month and the small amount of people that come by don't bother going in."


"I have reason to belive there are Zombies inside."

"No! You don't say?" Si sarcasticly gasps in horror with he's hands on his face. I smile before going serious.

"Shut up. I'm talking about E-zombies."

"Wait. Do they still exists?" I shrug bending down and tying my laces.

"Don't know but I have come across one. They are smart and one bullet to the head kills them but they are hard to catch." I stand when I'm done and check over my my weapons.

"So get ready." Axe sharp. "Because it might get" gun ready. "Fun" I pop a piece of gum into my mouth and smile.

"Wait. Your serious?"

"Yep" I pop the 'p' before making my way in swinging my axe beside me. Si runs up beside me grumbling things I don't quite catch.

"Escape death yesterday only to get eaten today. How fun. Mdk dgct mxk djerba..."

We will make it out alive

I hope

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