19- cliché horror movie*

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We get out the car with guns at the ready. My axe and Si's sword are packed in the back.

"Okay. Let's round the house. Ryder, Sophie through the front. Si and I through the back. Shout if you need help."

They all nod and we make our way around the house. When at the back, Si tries the nob but it's locked so I go to kick it down but Si stops me.

"Can I? Pleeaaase." I huff at his ridiculousness.

"Fine. Hurry up"

Si kicks down the door with the most triumphant smile ever. I shake my head as I hit the the door with my the back of my gun.

We stand and wait for any Zombie's to run down. Its quite so I think we're good. I signal in.

We stomp in waiting for a zombie to jump out. We enter  into the kitchen. The house looks like it belonged to an elderly couple. The furniture is vintage and old with floral table covering and small tea cups.

We search the house for anything valuable. There are two room, a dirty attic, living room and a small kitchen.

We meet with Ryder and Sophie in the living room when we're done. The sun is close over the Horizon.

"Let's get our sleeping bags a light and the food." We walk out to the car. The three pick up what they need.

"Ryder, take my bag in. I'm just gonna check out the back." I grab a torch because it's basically dark and it's not a full moon.

"I can come with."

"No. I'll be fine. I'll holla if I need help."

"Are you sure?"

"She said she's good!" Si says just before walking into the house with the lamp. He's got issues.

"No. I'll be fine." I smile to back up my statement before turning and walking to the barn that's a bit away.

When there I open the door.

It creaks in the quit sending a chill down my spine. How clichè horror movie.

I point the flash light up with my gun ready. I whistle and hear groans and shuffling in response.

I decide to bring it to me so I start singing Let It Go.

The zombie jumps up in front of me out of nowhere. I fall back with the Zombie on me. It stinks and gooy as I push on it's face. My finger slips into an eye socket.

I'm finally able to get my legs under it and push it off me. It falls back and just when it's about to come for me again I shoot it right between the brows. It's wearing farmers clothes so it must have been a Roloff.

"Damn! That was close." I stand, pick up my torch and look around.

"Anyone eles!?" I shout out but it's quit so I assume nothing else will surprise me.

I looked around the place more and found a garden out back. It was quit cold when I return 5 minutes later.

I open the back door and close it tightly behind me. I see light coming from the living room so I walk towards the light.

The three sit in front of a fire place. They all stop and turn to me.

"Oh my gosh. Roobie! What happened!?" Sophie stands.

"Huh?" Only now do I look down. I'm dirty and and have some disgusting goo on me and I think I grazed my elbow.


"What happened?" Si and Ryder jump up and look me over.

"Chill. I'm fine. A Zombie tried to jump me. Thats all."

"Did you get bitten?" Sophie asks pointing a gun in my face. I turn to her and take an intimidating step forward.

"Get that thing outta my face. Do you think I would put all of you in danger by coming back if I was bitten?" My face probably looks scary right now. People always said I had a resting bitch face.

Sophie puts down the gun.

"I'm gonna go clean up" I turn, grab my bag and walk up the stairs to the signal bathroom and fix myself up.

I put on shorts, which I never do, and a tank top. I grab a jacket just in case it's too cold.

I walk down and into the the living room. Ryder and Si turn to look at me but Sophie just glares at the fire. I walk forward to sit on a pillow infront of the fire.

Si and Ryder follow my every move.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh...uh... no." They stutter then turn back to the fire.

We talk for an hour or two before people start yawning.

"So I'll do night watch."

"No. Your too tired. I'll take watch." Si offers.

"Are you sure?"

"Yah, yah. You've been driving all day. Rest so tomorrow you'll be on top shape to drive while I sleep. You're the only one who knows the way after all." He smiles.

"Okay then." I grab my sleeping bag and lay it by the fire place. I jump in, grab a pillow and get comfy. I trust Si enough to know he will wake me if there is a problem.

"Goodnight Roobie Black." I open one eye to see him looking at me.

"Goodnight creep"

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