31-we are all we got*

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We make it back to the house just before night fall. Ryder and Sophie are still in the kitchen.

"It's about time you guys got back. Just finished making food." Sophie smiles at us.

"Oh great. I'm starving." Si shrugs off his jacket and leaves it by the rack. Not on the rack, by the rack so I pick it up and hang it next to mine.

I follow into the dinning room where everyone is seated.

"How was your walk?" Sophie asks me, when I sit, with mischief in her eyes. I know what she's implying.

"Nothing interesting but we did find my zombiefide uncle." I mention nonchalantly.

"Really!? What did you do?" She did not see that coming. I take a bite of the prepared food. It's actually good.

"We killed it." I star at my food and poke it with my knife. 

"Oh, sorry" I shrug at her apology.

"It wasn't him anymore." My eyes sting and water as I think of all the past memories him and I shared. A single, stupid tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away hoping no one saw but I know everyone did.

Si grabs the hand that was resting on the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I know his not doing it to make Ryder jealous, I can tell from the look in his eyes. He really cares.

"You okay?" He whispers.

"Fine." I give him a toothless smile. I'm okay. I had a feeling this would happen. I knew it would happen in fact. I cried over the loss of my family long ago. Now, I need to be strong. Look at the future.

I turn back to the table and see Ryder looking at our hands. I plan on talking to him about this... situation.

After an awkward dinner, we clean up and ready our selves for bed. I spot Ryder on he's way up the stairs.

"Hey Ryder. Can a talk to you for a minute?" He turns to me looking hesitant.

"You don't hav-" I give him my best 'i won't take no for an answer' look. He huffs in defeat and follows me as I walk onto the porch.

"What do you want?" Ryder amideatly ask when we step out.

"Uh.. Hmmm.  Let me just say it as it is. Si and I are... a thing now. It's not personal, okay it kinda is but no hard feelings. You are a great guy just... not my type. I think this whole zombie apocalypse thing is putting us in a difficult situation and-" I take a breath."my point is, please don't let this get in between out friendship. We are all we got. We are our only family now." I finally stop and judge his expressions. Sadness, relief and , surprisingly, understanding. It takes him a few moments before answering.

"I see what your saying and you are right. You were the first women I had seen, beside my sister, in a year and a half and I think I'm just looking for companionship." He shrugs and looks away briefly. "We are all we got and we need to stick together."

"Sooo... we good bro?" I ask with hope bubbling in my stomach.

"We good" I step forward and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you." My words are muffled be his shoulder but I'm pretty sure he heard me. I pull away and smile.

"Now what?" I ask

"We live." Ryder replies with a smile.

After Ryder and I's chat, we came back in and got ready for bed. I have just gotten out the bathroom when I bump into Si.

"Are you cold or hot?" he gestures to my long, fluffy  pants and my old, torn up tank top.

"Well, I can never make up my mind. I've been told it's a problem."

"I can imagine you at an ice cream parlor."  He smiles as he walks me to my room.

"It was hell. Never had a favorite flavour. Once, I took so long trying to make a decision that my date just stood up and left me" Si laughs.

"It's not funny" I  bump him with my shoulder. "It took me another 10 minuets to decide if I should go after him or not." I complain but Si just laughs harder. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. He follows and closes the door behind him.

"And then?" I ask, referring to the door.

"It's bed time." He shrugs and tugs off his shoes.


"I came to sleep." He takes off his shirt leaving him in only his sweatpants.  The regular exerciseing has really done a number on him. Lean muscles stretch under his skin as he jumps into my double bed and gets comfy.

"I'm so confuzzeled right now."

"Shut up and get in here" he pulls me onto the the bed and next to him. I laugh and get comfy. He raps an arm around me and puts the blanket over both of us.

"Goodnight Roobie Black" he kisses my temple.

"Night Si"

"I love you" I'm taken aback by the three simple words but I find my self saying:

"I love you too."

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