17- the leave*

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We made it to the house garage. I asked Ryder to lift up the door and the beauty was reveled.

The range rover sat parked silently, just waiting to be used. I smiled at the luck I had at finding this car. The problem was, I found it so far that driving back here costed a lot of petrol/ gas so I had to walk far and wide searching for patrol/gas stations or abandoned cars with a little gas left.

By the end of one year I had 15 liters of gas which isn't bad if I was visiting my granny a few kilometres away.

I need at least 50 liters  for maybe 9 hours of drive and the place we're off to is 12 hours away.

"Woah" both boys breath out with mouths ajar. I smirk and move forward to put the stuff on what used to be a tool table but I took the tools into my bunker.

Since it was my mother and I only, I was the one to usually fix stuff around the house. My mom taught me all I know.

"Put the stuff on the table Si. Imma start packing. Both of you go bring more stuff up and bring Sophie here when she's done."

"Cool." They both turn and walk out the garage and into the fenced garden and towards the bunker.

The first thing I do Is count the total amount of gas we got since the trip to the gas station yesterday.

42 litres and I need 55.  Yay. Note the sarcasm.

Guess we'll need to find more on the way. I carry on packing till Ryder and Si arrive with stuff with Sophie trailing behind.

"Wow. Now that's a car" Sophie stares. "Why didn't you say. I thought we were carrying all that stuff."  I smile.

"You can if you want to."

"Nah. I'm good." She smiles as she helps me load what the boys bring.

"Hey, by the way. Where are we going Ru?" Ryder asks. I trust them just enough to tell them the details.

"We are going to my uncles place. A cabin in the woods. Clichè, I know."

"Why your uncle?"  Si asks.

"He was rich, grumpy but funny. Not at first but after Mama Rose died he turned cold and mean. He's probably dead. He's so stubborn, he would pick a fist fight with a zombie because the zombie groans to loud."

We chuckle and finish up packing.

Ryder, Si and Sophie jump in the car and get ready to go but I walk out and stand in front of the home I grew up in.

I carry those cameras that print out the photo after you take it. Think it's called a Polaroid picture. I don't take many photos so I can save as many slides as possible but I want to remember this place forever.

The place I grew up

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