9- Fancy meeting you here*

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We walk through the parking lot in silence. Me holding my side trying to stop as much blood as possible with heavy bags on my back.

"I think she found us a window." I look at Si questiongly

"The E-Zombie jumped from a receptionist table so she found us a window." I shake my head at the lame line.

"Okay. How about: I think he found a lift"


"Damn you're hard to please."

"What now?" Si inquires after a minute.

"We go home."

"Home. We go home. Home we go"

"What are you doing?" I look at Si with a bored expression.

"I just haven't said the word home in almost two years. More less the sentence 'I'm going home' thanks for letting me stay by the way."

I slightly smile.

"No probs."

We walk quietly on the side walk, dodging zombies and staying in the shadows as much as possible with a bleeding side.

We turn the corner into the street where 'home' is located and I don't believe what I see.

"I can't belive this."

"More survivors."

"NO." I grab Si's shoulder stopping him from walking forward. The people turn and look directly at me. I pull out my gun and hang my axe on my belt. I slowly walk forward.

"Well look who it is" I stop and few meters away. They hold up thier hands.

"Fany meeting you here"

"You knew I was here. Didn't steal enough the last time? Came back for more?"

"Wait, these are the people" Si narrows he's eyes.

"No we didn't. We actually need help." The guy speaks. I snort in amusement.

"I'm not falling for that again."

"But we actually need help this time. We swear we won't steal a thing. My sister is hurt and we need a place to camp out."

"That sounds like a you problem."

"We are extremely sorry we stole the last time but please help us for now. Please." I keep quiet while still holding up my gun.

"Maybe we should help" Si whispers.

"What!?" I whisper yell back "I told you what they did right?"

"Yah. But the girl actually looks hurt." I notice the girl leaning on the guy with a pale face and hooded eyes.

I huff in anoyence. Dang humanity.

"Fine but one wrong move and it's over. Got it?" I've been saying that a lot lately.

"Yes, yes." I lower my gun and tuck it in the holster. Why do I have to be the bigger person.

The girl puts her arm around the guys shoulder and they slowly walk towards my bunker.

When we get there I walk forward and open the door that leads down. Si walks in first to open the second door while I go in last to close the first door.

When I walk into the bunker the girl is lying on the sofa.

"Whats your names again?"

"I'm Ryder and this is my sister Sophie."

"Right. Uh, this is Si my roommate."

"Thanks again Roobie." Si's head slowly turns to me with an open mouth.

"Roobie!? Your name is Roobie!?"

"Shut up"

"Your name is Roobie Pilla... wait, what's your surname?"


"Your surname is Black?"

"Can you just shut up"

"No. Your name is Roobie Black. Roobie Pilla Black. I need to sit down, this is a lot to take in." I playfully hit Si.

"Can you shut up or I'll throw you outside."

"Fine, fine. I'll stop" I smile in victory. I look up at Ryder

"what happened to her?"

"We were running away from a hord of zombies-"

"Hord. That makes more sense then pack or herd" Si interrupts before Ryder continues.

"And we fell down a ditch but she got the worst of it as you can see"

"I'm watching you. I'm not young and dumb any more. One wrong move..." I let the sentence hang as I turn and walk into the bathroom.

I take off my shirt slowly. The pain in my side flares for a moment and I hiss.

"Dang!" I try look at the cut but I can't see most of it but I know it's just below my bra and to far for me to reach properly. I huff in pure anoyence. I don't believe I'm about to do this.

"Si!" Don't think anything of it. I just don't want to get an infection and I can feel the blood still dripping.

"Hello?" Si opens the door but quickly closes is. "Sorry. I didn't-"

"-No. Come in"


"Did I stutter? Come in"

"Oh umm, okay?" He slowly opens the door and closes it behind him with he's eyes closed.

"Would you open your eyes." He slowly opens he's eyes and looks me straight in the eyes. He's right eye is twitching.

"First you try get me naked and now your half naked. Your some girl." I smile and dismiss his comment.

"I need your help"


"This." I point to my chest. "Ha! Got you, you nasty." I laugh.

"Augh. I'm not a perverted teen you know."

"Okay, if you say so but the reason I called you here is my cut." I turn so my back is facing him.

"I don't need an infection during the zombie apocalypse."


"What? You thought it was something else?"

"No! No. I was just confused." I snort as I give him the first aid kit.

He first cleans the wound before putting on anti-septic cream. I curse at the stinging and flinch.

"Sorry." Si whispers by my ear and a shiver goes down my spine.

"It's okay"

He slowly applies more anti-septic cream. He's hands are cold as he puts on a large plaster and finishes off.

"Done" I try look over my shoulder at the bandage but I don't see anything.


"No problemo." And awkward silence settles between us.

"Well i'm going to finish and you go do something about the things we brought back and dinner"

"Oh, uh yah." Si walks out and I finish my night routine. I happen to catch myself in the mirror on the way out.

How much I had to grow up these past two years. Hiding out in this bunker all alone.

I walk out the bathroom to see Ryder in the far side of the room eating and feeding Sophie.

I go grab my food then sit next to Si on a crate.

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