7- trip to the mall*

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"We start at the kitchen then we can stock up on supplies and if push comes to shove, look around but I highly recommend we don't."

"Sounds full proof"  Si nods at my lack of detail.

We step over a rotting body that keeps the doors open.  It's quiet and eerie. We tiptoe through the mall looking left and right. Si trails quietly behind me.

To my right is the restaurant I had my birthday at 2 years ago. I remember sitting with my mom laughing and eating. To my left is a clothes shop my friends and I went to a few days before the first wave. And just next to that is the movie house I went to almost every weekend.

I hadn't realised I had stopped till Si nudges me.

"You okay? You keep doing this"

"I'm fine" I whisper back as I carry on forward. A few minutes later I spot what we are looking for.

"This way. Grab as much food and supplies." We walk into the food store and ninja style our way to the canned food isle. We open our bags and put in as much food as possible. There is a lot of variety because no one ever dared to come here.

"Isn't odd how we haven't come across a zombie yet?" I shrug at Si's questions while I carry on packing.

"I'm not complaining. The less zombies the better."


"Okay, my bag is full so I'm gonna look around for some essentials."

"Like?" Si stands as he closes his full bag.

"Toilet paper, soap. I don't know about you but I'm not wiping my ass with newspaper and smelling like the undead."

"Me neither actually. Okay, meet at the shop entrance in 10 minuets?"

"Sure. Shout if you need help and I legit mean shout." Si smiles.

"Will do." He turns around and runs down an aisle like a naruto character while holding his sword. I burst out laughing but cover my mouth amideatly when I realise the noise I'm making.

"This guy is going to get me killed." I smile as I walk down other isles and put some stuff in the second bag.

9 minutes and 58 seconds later I'm at the entrence. I'm about to complain when Si finally walks out.

"Took you long enough." We start walking.

"What? You are the one that got here early. "

"Two seconds early and you got here three seconds late."

"Because I took a detour to get chocolate bars."

"Fat ass."

"Ah! How dare you? My ass is fine. Perfect if you ask me." I laugh but stop when I here something fall far infront of us.

We both look at the very other side of the mall at the receptionist counter.

"What was that?" Si whispers.

"How am I sapposed to know. I'm standing here with you." 

"Yah but-" Si gets cut off by a loud screeching sound before an E-Zombies jumps up and over the table. I can tell because it's like a grey, dead colour instead of the green sickly colour of normal rotting zombies. It almost reminds me of an alien. It has all its limbs, no missing parts or torn skin and the biggest difference is that they are usually naked. I don't know why but who am I to judge. 

"There are two choices here. We can try kill it or we can run" I turn to look at Si but he's gone. I look behind me and he's  sprinting down the mall so I too turn and run for my life.

"Could have warned me!" I shout as I catch up with Si.

"I thought it was obvious!"

We turn corners and jump over fallen objects like mad people. I look behind me for a split second as see the zombie is still some distance away.

"I have a plan!" I shout over the screeching. Si looks at me for a seconds showing he's listening.

"Keep running and don't stop."

"But there's a window ahead"

"Exactly." He looks at me again before relization hits him and he smiles.  My lungs burn and the E-Zombie is catching up. The bags of food make it harder to push forward but we are so close but so is the Zombie.

The wall of glass approaches.






I push myself so hard to the right I fall and slide on the floor and into fallen objects. Si goes left. The E-Zombie crashes through the glass with another loud screech. 

I stumble up, huffing and puffing. Si walks towards me and I walk to the glass edge and look down with Si standing next to me.

The zombie is splattered on the floor 4 levels down.

"I feel like I'm sapposed to say something smart but I have nothing." I comment as I finally catch my breath. Si chukkels beside me and opens he's mouth to speak when...

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