13- cool beans*

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(Slight trigger warning)

The first guy that spoke looks in he's forties. The guy
next to him, maybe late thirties but he's face was shaded with a hood.

I struggle and wiggle to try see the person behind me while also trying to scream. I should stop cause it ain't helping anyone, especially my throat.

"Shut up " I feel a sting on my cheek from the bearded man's slap.

"Agfm!" My words are muffled by the hand.

"Jeff. Calm down" the person holding me says. I laugh , kind of, at the name.

The bearded man glares behind me before grabbing my chin.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" He yanks me out of one mans grasp and into his.

"Si!" I scream in that split second before a hand covers my mouth once again.

"Shut up!" I'm thrown into a corner which happened to have old, opened cans.

"Jeff. I thought we were only going to rob her." A young guy, who I couldn't see properly, inquires.

"Really?! Ouch!" I don't have time to stand before a body crashes on me. I struggle with Jeff and was actually winning when the second, the one in he's thirties, interferes by holding my hands above my head while beard man goes for my jean buttons and zip.

"Si! Si!" I shout desperately while kicking my legs around.

"Shut up and be a good girl" the beard man shouts before hitting me in the face again.

"Shit! You have issues!" I continue to frail around but get a punch to the gut from the thirty year old.

"Gosh you guys are crazy." I hestericly start laughing. This is how my life will be, Raped in a convenient store during a zombie apocalypse. Great.

My shirt starts getting pulled of while Jeff hits and shouts at me to stop laughing like a maniac.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, wait. All hope was lost when my mom died so...

Just when I thought it would get worse, Jeff's wight is thrown of me. This is my chance to rip my hands out of one guys grasp and hit him in the face with the back of my head.

"Ahhh!" He shouts before I stand up and almost trip over my pants so I hurrily pull them up. I look around so see where Jeff disappeared to. I see him in one of the isles fighting with Ryder?

Si jumps up in front of me giving me a slight fright.

"You okay?" He looks me up and down in concern.

"Yah I'm fine." I look just behind Si and see the man charging at Si.  

"Watch out!" I spin Si around by the shoulders just in time for him to kick the pervert but still fall on the floor. They start fighting but Si seems to be doing fine. He looks almost scary. He's happy smile completely  gone.

Ryder seems to have punched Jeff unconscious.

Sophie comes to stand by me.

"You okay?" She huffing while examining me.

"I'm fine. How'd you guys get here?"

"We got a radio from Si saying he needs help. Luckily we had already arrived at the bunker and this place isn't too far."

"Cool beans. Wait a minute." I spin around till I find what i'm looking for. I run towards it and grab it with a powerfull fist.

"How about you?" I look into the eyes of the first guy to grab me. He's maybe 18 or 21.

"I'm sorry. I'm not with these guys. I met them a week ago and I thought they were just gonna rob you not..." he trails of. I bring he's face closer and narrow my eyes.

"If I ever see you again..." I too trail off and shove him back then stomp past him with Ryder, Sophie and Si behind me.

When outside I notice Ryder holding an extra gun. We walk back in one line in an almost awkward silence.

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