chapter one

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Lauren's POV

They always said life was like a box of chocolates and I couldn't have agreed more.

Ever since I could remember my life had been full of surprises. I didn't even bother planning out consistent life goals since they always changed. I just went with whatever the wind took me.

Just like now with the recent move to New York City. Well, more like Brooklyn. The publishing company I worked for offered me a better paying position in the Big Apple which I couldn't turn down. What with raising my 10-year-old, we both needed this.

Damn, things surely didn't turn out the way I hoped nor planned after my daughter was born. But at least I still had her in my care. She was the one thing I was sure of and I couldn't imagine myself without her by my side.

"Bella! Over here!" I called out to my daughter who was walking out of school. My green eyed, beautiful angel with the sweetest heart.

"Hi, Mommy!" she exclaimed, running into my arms. Something I was never going to get tired of no matter how old she gets.

"Okay, third day at the new school. How was it?" I questioned as we walked hand in hand down the street. We were lucky enough to find a good elementary school only six blocks from our apartment.

"I love it!" she cheered with a little pep. "I'm learning so much already."

"Oh yeah? What'd you learn today?"

"Where babies come from."

At that very moment, I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. Did she just? Stopping and turning, "What did you just say?"

"Well, not in class exactly but my new friends were reading this really interesting sex ed book that explained everything!" she cheered like she won the lottery.




"Ugh, I didn't think this was supposed to happen so soon," my head fell back as I groaned.

"What do you mean? I am in fifth grade now and almost eleven," she defended.

"Yeah, almost. But not there yet. You still got like eight more months."

She huffed, "But Mom, I have questions. A lot of them."

"I'm sure you do, squirt. Come on, we'll talk inside," I led her into our building.

And yet another surprise made its way in to fuck up my day. Just great.


"I'm confused," Bella frowned down at her bowl of ice cream.

"About what? Don't you love Neapolitan?" I frowned back.

"Not about that but... seriously, Mom, you always get this flavor every single time," she sighed lightly.

"Becauuuse it provides the three best flavors for the price of one. Sometimes I want vanilla and other times I want strawberry or chocolate. Saves time and money, squirt."

She sat back and folded her arms unamused but it was the truth. Not like we couldn't afford other flavors of ice cream but it worked in our best interest. At least in mine anyway.

"Nevermind about the ice cream," she shook her head. "I'm talking about how I was made."

"This again?" I groaned once more, already losing the appetite of my chocolate frozen custard.

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