chapter twenty-four (final)

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Camila's POV

I hadn't been back to Chicago since Matthew and I moved out of our apartment right after getting married. 

I didn't expect to be back although having a home here was always in the back of my mind. And I got one. A dream one at that. It was everything I wanted and more. 

It was in the Glenview suburbs about 20 miles away from the city. A perfect distance. Even though I adored the city I never cared to actually live exactly in the heart. A single-family home with my partner and kids was the home for me. 

"Mija! Your new house is spectacular! Just wait till you see it," my mother said upon entering her car with Grace in my arms.

"Just drive, Mama," I sighed.

"Oh.. rough flight?" she winced while driving out of the airport vicinity. 

"Well, I did just leave Lauren and Bella in New York. You think I'm happy about that?" I sassed on the verge of a mental break down. "I mean, I didn't even get a text or anything from them to let me know they're on their way," I kept refreshing my phone for any new texts but nothing. Hopefully it was because they were in the air and couldn't get service. 

"I'm sorry, Mija. You know, I'm still trying with this... thing. It's taken me some time," she said on the drive. "But I'm sure they're on their way now?"

"I know, Mom," I breathed, trying to calm down. "You're fine... it's just me whose reliving my worst nightmare all over again." I looked outside to see the view of Chicago still lit up at 2:30 AM. It was always a pretty city and my new home once again. But this time I'd stay.

"Here we are," Mama said, opening the door to my new house. My first real house. 

"Wow," I gasped once the lights turned on. "It's even better in person."

"There were a ton of boxes delivered today and a lot of furniture. The moving guys helped bring stuff upstairs," she told.

I sat down on the recently purchased couch that was incredibly comfortable. Lauren and Isabella were going to love this place. And now all that was left was for them to come home to me and pray that I did what was best for us. 


Lauren's POV

 I didn't care about anything in this moment except saving my family. I drove all the way from O'Hare to the address Camila gave me in Glenview. The amount of pouring rain thankfully kept me from falling asleep on the drive as it was nearing 3:30 AM. But my almost 12-year-old was out like a light in the passenger seat. 

"Hey, sweetie, we're home," I whispered, pulling into the driveway.

"We're here?" she mumbled back, rubbing her eyes and looking out the window.

"Come on. Let's go see your mom." My beautiful girl immediately smiled and we both didn't caring about the rain that soaked us within seconds.

*knock knock knock*

After three loud knocks on the door and twenty seconds later, brown eyes came into view. "Oh thank God," her lips quivered and I instantly pulled her into my arms, Bella hugging her around the torso. "Thank God, you're here. Y-you guys are actually here," she sobbed.

"And not going anywhere," I whispered before kissing her.

It was the very first time Bella saw us kiss. And she was so happy we did. Camila's arms wrapped around my neck and melted into me while I held her close. While I held the love of my life in our new home.

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