chapter three

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A/N: Lots of different points of views

Lauren's POV

"Hey, Lauren. What are you reading?" Turning to face my desk neighbor, Lillian Masters was surely a sight for sore eyes. She always wore a high bun and large framed glasses that just added to her cuteness. I also wore glasses at work but couldn't pull them off nearly as well as Lilly. She was one of those girls who would spend hours in the library or book store reading every single book twice. God, she was smart, classy and beautiful all wrapped up into one.

Taking off my glasses quickly, "O-oh, it's called Pages for Her. Supposed to be really good."

"Oh, yeah, read that one," she smiled. Point proven.

"Not surprised. You bring in a new book everyday to read at lunch," I chuckled.

She shrugged innocently, "I guess books have always been my life. Can't help it."

"Good lifestyle. Keep it up."

She looked down at her fancy little rose gold watch. "Isn't it past four? You should be done for the day, correct?"

I probably looked like a complete idiot when all I did was smile and nod for a good minute. She was too pretty to not stare at; who could blame me? Then I snapped out of it. "Oh shit! You're right. I need to go pick my daughter up." It was even more embarrassing for her to witness me frantically stuffing my things into a bag and rushing out.

"I'll come with you. I need to pick my son up as well and it's on the way," she said, following my lead. Son??

"Oh, you have a kid too?" I frowned, also meaning she might have had a husband or boyfriend.

"Yes, Theodore. I haven't mentioned him before?"

She probably had but I was most likely too distracted by her beauty to listen. Just like I was every time she spoke to me.

"Ohhh, Theodore! Wow, I'm so sorry. Now I totally remember," I sort of lied... but for a good purpose.

She laughed as we walked out of work together. "It's fine. I have to pick him up from his father's."

"His... father's?"

"Yeah, we broke up last year but still co-parent. I guess it's not the worst thing when our son still gets to be with the both of us," she grinned.

Letting out a guffaw, "Damn, at least you have the chance to co-parent. My ex-wife is nowhere to be found."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. That must be really tough having to do it by yourself." She gave me a sympathetic look but I didn't want pity. I wanted to be strong in her eyes.

"Sure, it's tough but I'm doing fine. We're doing fine," I smirked. "Bella is the brightest light in my life and that won't ever change."

"You're such a good mother," she complimented sweetly.

"You are too, Lilly," I replied just before we were a good distance from Lion Cross pickups (Bella's school).

"Mommy!" I looked up to see those matching green eyes meet my own, waving back at her eagerly hurry down the school steps.

"Bella, I'd like you to meet Miss Masters. She's a co-worker of mine," I introduced her to my... well, pretty much crush at this point. Too much too soon or was I good?

"Please, just call me Lillian or Lilly. I don't care for any formality," she kindly shook my daughter's hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Lilly," she replied just as politely like I taught her.

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