chapter seven

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Lauren's POV

"How do I look?" Looking up from my lap, my eyes landed on the most beautiful girl they ever did see.

"Gorgeous," I simply answered.

"Ugh, Lauren, you can't say that about everything I've tried on," Camila sighed at me in the mirror.

"Yes, I can because it's the absolute truth. You want me to lie to you?" I chuckled.

"I want you to be honest. If I look ugly, please tell me," she stated.

"You can never look ugly, my love. Honest," I smiled, watching her remove the dress she had on. Undressing. My favorite part of her trying on clothes at the mall.

This happened often. Almost every other weekend, Camila and I would go to the mall to either shop or hang out. Mostly hang out since we were broke ass kids. I mean, my mother was a successful CEO and we had a nice house but that didn't mean I could free load off her my whole life. My part-time job at Dairy Queen didn't cover much but just to save up for college next Fall.

Next Fall. That was only in five short months. Five short months before I wouldn't be getting to see my beautiful girl every day. A day I was dreading.

"Hey, you know how my mom's gone this weekend for a conference?" I spoke up.


"Wanna throw a party with me?"

"Tonight?" her eyes went wide although it shouldn't had been a surprise. I threw my fair share of parties over the past year we'd been together. Nothing new. Plus, having a single parent who was gone a lot was a benefit for a rebellious, popular teen like myself.

"Yes, tonight. Why not? It's the perfect night," I grinned, adding to her worries.

She looked back unsure. "I'll just have to convince my mom to stay over."

"Shouldn't be a problem at all," I shrugged.

"At all?" she scoffed. "Are you kidding me? She'd rather take me to church instead."

I laughed. "I don't get it. She never thought differently about us when we were 'just friends' but then you come out and her perception is entirely flipped."

"That's a bigot for ya," she huffed, sitting down and placing her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Camz," I whispered, kissing the top of her head.

"It's okay. We're not gonna let her bother us. We have a strong relationship that'll last forever. I promised you that, didn't I?" she brought me closer so that our lips were centimeters apart.

"Absolutely," I smiled.

"You're the love of my life," she said before kissing me.


"The most beautiful sight I've ever seen," I complimented Lilly after she put on a simple but very pretty white dress.

"You're just saying that," she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm just saying the truth? How could I lie to you when you look like perfection every waking minute?" I said, making her smile grow wider.

"Ugh, come here, you." Just as we both couldn't resist one another, we met in a long kiss with her straddling my lap on the dressing room bench.

We were here to shop for outfits for my high school class reunion. It was my first one to attend and I almost forgot about it until yesterday when I got a reminder in an email. I kinda didn't want to go that much but Lilly insisted that I did and she would of course be my plus one. Honestly, I wouldn't go if she wouldn't. How embarrassing would it be if I showed up single and every one else had their spouses or partners. Thank god this wasn't the year to be alone. My high school class never saw me single.

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