chapter seventeen

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Lauren's POV

Today was May 20th... Bella's birthday. She was finally turning 11 but the sad part was that she wasn't even excited about it. She was depressed thanks to Camila.

Okay... and thanks to me too. I guess I should've acknowledged the fact that I fucked up just as bad as my ex by not telling Bella the truth. But I wasn't ready to. That was the thing. And obviously we weren't in a good place or time to tell Bella. It was all just a huge mess.

"Bella?" I knocked on her bedroom door. "I made you your favorite waffles, eggs and bacon." She barely spoke two words to me after we left Camila's the other day. "Come on, squirt, today's your birthday. Please, talk to me." 

"No," she replied for probably the 12th time. "I want Lilly to take me to school. Not you."

My girlfriend then came up behind me for a hug. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

I faced her with my heartbroken expression. "It's okay. Not your fault. I might as well just accept that it's gonna be like this till she's over it. And who knows when that'll be?" Bella used to always be quick to forgive but of course this wasn't something to get over just like that. This was life changing.

"She'll come around soon," Lilly kissed me gently. Ugh she was too good to me. And yeah, we did have our fair share of differences but she was nevertheless so loving and supportive. I oughta appreciate her more.

Lilly ended up walking Bella to school and taking a lunch she packed for her since I wasn't allowed. Of all days I had to respect the birthday girl's wishes. I instead took Theodore to day care. Kind of weird swapping kids for the day but it was bothersome when Bella and I weren't in a good place. I wasn't ready to start having problems with my own child. Like... real, big problems. It was tearing me down.

What was even worse was Camila trying to call and text me, apologizing for her actions. Well, apologizing to Bella. She hated that she had to go through me to get to her but Bella wasn't even communicating with me anyway. She really hated us both. 

"Lo, you coming?" Lilly asked to my left before we were about to head into a board meeting. It was good that I was slowly but surely moving my way up to the board as director of production. I'd been waiting for this promotion after years of hard work at this company but lately it's been more draining than enjoyable. I mean, the money was good but where was the fun?

"Yeah, sorry," I sighed after looking at the time for when I could get the hell out of here. I just wanted to see Bella gain.

I was so out of it during the meeting, it was embarrassing. Lilly even asked me if I was okay twice and I just nodded. Luckily I didn't have to present anything this time but my brain could not stay focused whatsoever. I barely took any notes. All I was thinking of was my little girl and how hurt she was by her own two parents. 

But I meant it when I said I didn't want Camila back. If anything, she would always remain the true bad guy. The villain. She's the one that left us and wasn't there for her daughter. How could her ex-wife and child ever forgive that? 


Camila's POV

"Don't peek," Matthew had his hands covering my eyes as he led me into the baby's room.

"You know I hate surprises," I groaned.

"I know but this is something that's gonna turn that frown upside down. I know it." I could sense his excited smile but when he revealed the surprise, all I could do was break down into tears for the hundredth time today. And it wasn't even because the room looked bad. It was beautiful. The nursery was gender neutral and had the most precious décor and white crib I'd ever seen. "Hopefully those are happy tears," he chuckled as he hugged me.

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