chapter twenty-three

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Bella's POV

Today was finally my last day of sixth grade. Thank god. I was beyond ready to be done with school for the year and just relax for the next three months in nothing but the sun.

Usually I loved learning and seeing my friends everyday but at least I was going to get a break from seeing my crush. It saved me the agonizing heartache I experienced eight hours out of the day.

"Hey, Bells!" Kelly approached me at my locker.

"Hey, Kells," I smiled before closing it all cleaned out.

"Are you doing anything later? 'Cause most of us are going to the St. Pats fair with some of our boyfriends," she invited kindly.


That was another thing. For a school of all girls, I heard more about their crazy obsession with boys than anything else in a single day. "Uh.. maybe, yeah," I nodded, not really wanting to be a fifth or sixth wheel again.

Sure, there were some boys at St. Pats that asked me out but they just weren't appealing enough. They weren't Chloe.

Chloe. Who I could never seem to get over. Although we weren't exactly as close as we used to be last year, I still couldn't get her off my mind.

"It'd be really fun if you came! Text me if you can make it!" We waved goodbye and I looked down at my phone clock to see I still had some time before Mom was supposed to pick me up.

Stepping out of the bathroom stall, I stopped in my tracks upon noticing who was at the sink. The same dirty blonde hair that was half up and half down and a beautiful face with light makeup. She looked up at me and smiled slowly. "Hi, Bella."

"Uh.. hi, Chloe," I shook off the nerves and approached the sink next to her. "H-how've you been?"

"Good! Especially now that school is over. And I have tickets to go see Blackpink tonight," she smirked.

My jaw dropped. "Wait, Blackpink's coming here? Tonight?!"

She nodded quickly, "At MSG!"

"Oh my god! You're so lucky you're going!"

"Do you wanna come? I have three tickets and I couldn't find another friend to come with me so it's just me and my mom so far," she grinned.

"Seriously?" I looked at her surprised. Mainly because she never bothered to talk to me all year and just now she was.

"Of course," her expression fell. "I know I haven't been the greatest friend to you lately and I apologize. It doesn't matter who you like... your friendship is what matters most. And I want to be your friend again."

"It's okay, Chloe. At least you're making it up to me with Blackpink tickets," I winked unexpectedly before she leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

"I'll see you out there, okay?" she hurried out of the bathroom.

Oh. My. God.

I slowly brought my hand up to touch my cheek that was suddenly on fire and extremely red. Did she just.... or was I dreaming?

"Hi, my little sixth grade graduate!" Mom greeted as I stepped up to her car window.

"Hey, Chloe invited me to go to the Blackpink concert tonight. Can I go, please?" I made puppy dog, begging eyes that usually worked.

She looked confused. "Black what? And who's Chloe?"

"Mommm, it's the girl... that I like," I whispered and gestured to her over by the flag pole. She was on the phone with her own mom, asking for permission for me to go.

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