chapter nineteen

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Lauren's POV

"Yo, is she dead?"

"Move, move, move," I hurried past a crowd of people after running two blocks down the street to see if Camila was alive. "Fucking move!" I shoved a guy out of my way to get to the front. "Camila! Fuck!" I cried, feeling tears build up.

"Woah, woah, ma'am, back it up," an officer halted me in my tracks.

"Let me in! That's my wife!" I begged desperately.

"Your wife?"

"Ex-wife," I rolled my eyes. "Please, tell me she's alive. Camila!" I tried to look at them placing her on a stretcher as she was obviously unconscious.

"She and the other driver are still alive but in critical condition," he replied, causing me to break down.

"Oh my fucking god," my hand placed itself over my chest as I could take a huge sigh of relief.

"She's going to the emergency room right now. You want a lift?"

"Yes, please," I said and he let me through and into the backseat of his car. My hands felt shaky as I pushed the buttons to call my fiancée. All of this felt like either a nightmare or a fucked up movie. As if Camila hadn't been through enough in the past month.

"Lilly, please get Bella and meet me at the hospital. Camila's been in an accident."

"Oh my god. Is she okay?" she asked in panic.

"She's alive but on her way to the ER. I'm following her there," I answered as I rode past the crowd and totaled cars. Camila's crossover driver side door and left front was ruined and the other guy's Honda was completely smashed in the front. Damn, she was about to be in a whole lotta trouble.

"Okay. We're finishing up dinner right now and we'll be there ASAP," she said already sounding like she was getting ready to go.

"I'll see you there."

All I knew was that Camila was breathing but that didn't mean it was going to stay that way for long. I had no idea how bad she really was. I was just praying it wouldn't be too bad as I constantly cursed at myself for causing this.

If I hadn't made Camila so mad she wouldn't have left. And wouldn't have drove. Goddammit. Why did I manage to make things so much worse? Not only was I an asshole, I almost caused a possible death.


Camila's POV

"Doctor Hussey?"

Ugh, that name. It made me want to roll my eyes even though it hurt too much to move. My left arm hurt like a bitch and then I realized it was held in a cast.

"Mom, she's waking up."

"Bella?" My eyes opened more only for my beautiful Isabella to come into sight. Oh my god. I hadn't seen her in months and of course she looked so much more grown up with longer hair and longer arms and legs. Even her voice sounded a bit more mature. Had it been only six months or a whole year?

"Doctor Hussey, you're in the hospital. You got into a car accident last night and suffered a concussion, few bruises and a sprain in your elbow," the doctor continued.

"Well, everything hurts," I winced at the soreness and pain that ached not just in my arm but all over my body. Even in my toes.

"Yes, you'll be feeling that for a few days. It's best that you stay still and relax to better heal your concussion and sprain."

"Lauren?" I did as the doctor said and stayed put but saw her in the corner of the room. "You both are here," I started to smile after the doctor gave the three of us some privacy.

The Best of Me (Camren)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ