Chapter 5

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"Alright, here is how the game works." Fred started, as Harry joined the room.  Hermione and Charlie entered just behind him. 

On the table sat an open box, it's lid by its side. Inside were numerous plastic looking wands all of different color. 

"So, everyone gets a game wand." George said, handing them out.

Hermione grabbed a purple one that was handed to her. It had a row of different colored buttons on it, that corresponded with the other Wands in everyone else's hand.

"What is this?" Hermione asked Charlie whom was sitting next to her. She was not familiar with the game, as it was a Wizarding one.

"You've never heard of Wandilarity?"


"Yeah, the family friendly game of popularity, hilarity, and wands." He answered, reciting the games description.

The twins finished setting up the game. On the table sat floating bubbles, all again corresponding to the wand colors. They all read the word start from within. In another bubble that was colorless, sat a bunch of jelly beans.

"Here's how this works, for those of you whom lived with muggles your entire childhood." Fred started, and Hermione and Harry rolled their eyes.

"Each round, a question will appear in the bubbles.  It will be about your fellow players at the table.  For instance, who has the best singing voice." George said

"Once the question appears, you will have to buzz in on your wand who you think, for this question....has the best singing voice, by selecting the corresponding color button to the other players wand." 

"Don't worry, who you select will remain anonymous.  And you can't lie, because the wands have Veritaserum in them."

"After the question is answered, whoever has gotten the most votes, per say more people think I have the greatest singing bubble will then glow."

"When your bubble glows, you well then have an opportunity to gain points.  In order to gain points, you have to answer who you selected for the question out loud.  If you wish not to say, for whatever gain no points, and are forced to eat an Berites every flavor beans. If you do answer out loud, you gain as many points as the number of those who voted for you."

"Simple enough?"

Everyone nodded.

"Alrighty then, let's begin." 

(Note, the ones playing are: Bill, Fleur, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Charlie, Ginny, Lavender, Fred, George, Percy, and Cormac)

The first question appeared in the bubbles.  Who would you say is the most annoying? To no ones surprise, Lavender's bubble lit up, In which she gave a huff. 

"Alright Lavender, who do you think is the most annoying, for a chance to win nine points." Fred asked.

Lavender narrowed her eyes. "I think Hermione is the most annoying." She said without hesitating.  She had answered honestly, as her bubble switched from start to 9 points

Who is your closest friend? Harry's bubble lit up, with a total of four votes.  "Ron." Harry answered, who he voted for, his bubble now reading 4 points

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