Chapter 12

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The shower incident had finally  been forgotten by the evening, although Hermione's cheeks still flushed everytime Charlie would wink at her.   

Hermine was sitting on her bed, sorting through some of her books, when she heard a feeble knock at the door. She looked up, swallowing before mumbling a "Come in."

"Hello." Charlie said, entering her room and then closing the door shut behind him. He was holding a box in his hands, and made his way over to Ginny's bed, and sat down on it.

Once Hermione directed her attention to him, he started to speak. "So, I was cleaning my room, and I came across this box, but I believe it belongs to you, seeing it has your initials on it."

"Oh, yes, sorry I must have left it their from last year, you see I was staying in your room."


Hermione took the box from him and recognized it right away. It was what she had kept her S.P.E.W. Badges in, and a few research about elves. That dream had been ditched around fifth year when she had made thirty badges, and only three people joined that were all technically forced by her. "Thank you." She said, lifting the lid off, to look inside.

"May I ask what it is?" Charlie asked curiously

"It's quite silly actually."

"I'm sure it's not."

She looked up meeting his eyes, before biting her lip. She knew he wanted to know, but she felt stupid. "It's a box of badges I made for an organization I started. It was , Society For The Promotion of Elfish Warfare." She handed him a badge

"S.P.E.W. , I like it. Can I join?"

Hermione was shocked. Not necessarily at Charlie's eagerness, for he was always polite and this was a polite thing to do, but it was the first time someone had actually pronounced it correctly. "Well it's not really a thing anymore, everyone thought it was stupid."

He gave her a confused look, so she continued to explain. "Well, cause apparently elves don't want to be liberated. They like working is what everyone keeps saying."

"Hermione, I think it's brilliant."

"Right." She shook her head. "I did too, it's just, no one else did." She looked up again, meeting his gaze, but couldn't help but look away. "What?" she asked smiling at the look he was giving her.

"I think you're beautiful."

"Oh." was all she said, not used to such open compliments.

"Goodnight." He said smirking at her shyness.

"Night." She said, and he left the room, Lavender passing him in the doorway.

As soon as she saw Lavender, her smile faded and her mood changed rather quickly. For one she was still processing her conversation with Charlie, and wished to have a tingly feeling in her stomach alone, without the disturbance of Lav Lav.

"What was he doing in here?"

"Beats me Lavender." Hermione said through clentched teeth.

"Have you two snogged yet?" She asked.

"What?" Hermione said surprised, instead of actually answering the question.

"Oh I see how it is. You havn't actually kissed him. But that's not that big of a problem. Although you better do it soon, or he'll just think your a prude."

Hermione nodded her head to this insult. "Your absolutely right." she said, convincingly. "Oh wait, but I thought if you shove your tongue down someone's throat the second you meet them, that means you'er actually just a slag. So at least I'm not that."

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