Part 7- Day with Asra

540 51 3

2nd August 2018

"So do you agree to still marry him knowing about his condition?",Fatima asks Asra with an almost begging expression.

Asra who had been staring at the floor now looks up at Hamed who hadn't said a word since she'd been here. I mean, she's his childhood friend/cousin but not blood so she'll agree wouldn't she?

"Yes",Asra replies.

"Yes?"Hamed raises an eyebrow at her confused and shocked as to why HER. Asra who always talked and dreamed about a man that would be able to take care of her fully would agree to marry such a mam like him. Yes he'd be able to care for her to see extent but then there'd be tikes where he would probably scare her to death. He just prays that he never lays a hand on her, not after what he did to his little sister Ayesha. He was just lucky it wasn't his mama present in that room that day.

"Yes I'll marry him",Asra repeats.

"Beta are you sure? Don't think we're pressuring you, its tour choice",Yunus says to Asra who then smiles.

"I mean it couldn't be that bad. Plus he's rich so I can take the risk",was all she could think in her head.

"Yes uncle am sure".

"So the Nikah is still on Friday then? Its nor canceled?",Fatima whispers with happiness surging through her whole body. Her son IS going to get married. She had been longing for this day her whole life. She feared that he would never get married because of his condition. But Alhamdulilah Allah is with him.

"So I'll call you"Asra tells Hamed who nods then stands up and walks her out of the house.



"What about this?",Asra twirls around in a chest revealing white dress with a smile on her face.

"Isn't it revealing?",I shake my head with disapproval.

"But I'll be wearing my hijab so it'll cover it",she shrugs.

"I don't like it. Choose this"I pick out a simple dress that's less eye catching and plain.

"Hamed. This is so plain you want me to look ugly at my own wedding huh?",she frowns.

"No Asra it's not that. I just think that simple is the way to go, I don't like anything too big.....but if you like it then you can choose that",I shrug.

"Hamed your boring come on would you like to see me in such a plain dress on our wedding night?",she asks turning towards me with an eyebrow raise.

"Actually yeah I would".

She rolls her eyes and totally disregards what I just said. She just continued checking out the dress she had on with a big smile on her face.

I guess if she likes it and if it makes her happy.

"So what do you want?",the waitress asks her as she skims through the menu.

"Mmm just Biryani and chicken is fine".

"Same for me".

We hand her the menu then she walks away and Asra sighs a little.

"You okay?"I ask her.

"Yeah am fine. Just thinking can we talk about your condition if you don't mind".

"Anything you want to know?".

"What's your condition called exactly? Like is it normal thing?",she asks.

"No it's not normal. And its called Borderline Personality Disorder. Its a mental illness which prevents me from controlling my emotions. I get frustrated because of it and turn my frustration into rage. When that happens am long gone so any damage that I make is unknown to me when I regain conscience of myself",I explain as carefully as I could so she could set it in her head and not take the risk of marrying me.

"So there's no cure?",she asks me.

"Except talk sessions with my therapist but it never helps so I have to take pills to calm myself down and keep me stable. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't".

"When did all this start happening?"

"It started like when I was 16".

"Did something like cause it?"

"My doctor thinks its because of my past relationship with remember Daneen from highschool?".

"She did you dirty boy I wish I could meet her again and smack her dumb ass. She had no right to embarrass you like that in front of the whole school",Asra huffs.

"I know. And remember all the bullying that happened after that? The boys nearly beating me to death. Doctor thinks that its all that abuse and pain I went through that triggered my condition. So he thinks having talk sessions would help. But I don't think so",I shrug.

"Maybe because your not actually into it? Because you can't trust anybody anymore after that Daneen girl. Maybe that's why its not working",she whispers.

"Maybe". I stare down at the table with a sigh.

"Hey Hamed I know this is hard for you but we can get through it. Together",she whispers then reaches for my hand across the table which made me look at her shocked. I smile and take her hand then watch as she caresses it carefully.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Maybe she's actually down for me like she said she is.

"So where we going for our honeymoon?"she asks changing the subject which I was grateful for.

"Well you've always talked about whoever marries you should take you to Paris so Paris?".

"Really?"she gasps then squeals which made me smile.

"Ooooh that would be so much fun. Hamed you have to teach me how to drive yeah because I want to be able to drive myself",she says with a small pout.

"I don't think that's possible or necessary. The driver's around to drive you anywhere you want to go".

"Ah true okay never mind",she smiles then starts looking around the restaurant as the waitress brings our food over.

"Thank you"she smiles kindly at the waitress who nods with a smile then turns to me.

"Anything else sir?"she asks.

"Did he ask for anything else?"Asra suddenly snaps at the lady.

"Asra its okay"I whisper.

"You can go now",Asra rolls her eyes at the waitress who eyes her with annoyance then hisses and storms away.

"Is she serious? First she eye rapes you then gets attitude when you know what-"

"Hey Asra calm down. Its okay no big deal"I hold her down and sigh.

She sits back down with a foul look then scoffs.

"Let's just enjoy tonight yeah please".


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