Part 40-Impossible

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"Are you sure you want to try this? I don't support it. Your already hurt as it is",aunty tells Hamed.

"Mama please just let me try",Hamed kisses her hand before letting go. He says a little prayer then he opens the terrace door slowly. The breeze instantly fills the room. We're all piled up just praying he'd make it.

He says "Bismillah" before putting his right foot in.

His body was shaking slightly but he kept pushing through. Finally he was in fully. He walks towards the terrace handle and smiles then holds it and looks up at the blue sky. The light radiating from the sun made him squint his eyes a little. From a few chuckles here and there, it became laughter of joy.

He walks around the terrace freely now.

"Mama look",he calls. Aunty was crying already. Heck not just her, uncle, Usman had tears in his eyes, Noor, Ayesha, including me.

"Am okay",he whispers then he let's his hand up and spins around and throws his head back.

"Am really okay"he whispers then he just started crying.
He drops onto his knees and covers his face. I wanted to go over to him and hug him but I decided against it and let his parents take this one.

Aunty falls down beside him and hugs him tightly.

"Your okay son. You really are okay",uncle smiles and wipes his tears. They both give him a kiss on the forehead and say a little prayer.

"Allah truly is Great",Usman and uncle both whisper.

Hamed looks up after consoling him and his eyes land on me.

"I have to tell you something. Very important",he says.



We all sit down waiting for Hamed to tell us the important news.

"I had a dream"he starts off and looks down, not looking at any of us.

"Is it a bad dream? Don't tell us its not good-"

"This dream is different. Its bad but there's good in it. It seemed more like a revelation than anything else",he says.

"What do you mean? Revelation?",Usman asks.

"Okay so in my dream I was basically a spirit. I could see my younger self in highschool. Everything that happened the day of the incident I became a witness",he explains.

"Wait am lost. What do you mean?",Aunty asks him.

"I was able to see my younger self as in 16 year old Hamed and what happened to me on that day. I saw everything. It wasn't some incident. It was all planned. Daneen called me to the terrace, she said she wanted to show me something so I followed her. When I got there she wasn't there. Instead the boys were and someone else. The master mind of the whole plan was the one person who we trusted. You took him in, we celebrated Eid together",he sighs sadly.

"Who are you referring to beta?",aunty asks.

"Noah. Our driver. He was the one that planned the whole beating. He told Daneen to make sure he outs me in a condition where I'd spend time in the hospital. I believe he has some sort of feud with baba. Because he mentioned Baba's name with a tone of anger. He scheduled out the whole plan. He was about to shoot me when a woman entered. The woman is Daneen's mom. She told them to run away when they heard the police sirens".he stops for a minute then looks at me.

"Noah? How could N- that's impossible. He couldn't",aunty whispers.

"But he took care of you most of the time. You cried to him so many times. He was more of your friend. Why would he do such a thing?",Usman asks.

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