Part 18-Preparations (part 2)

499 29 10

11th September 2018


"Me and bhai will be going to Sports Direct. We'll meet you both in 15 minutes",Hamed informs us as me, Noor, Usman and him get out of the car.

"Okay",I nod.

I turn to walk away when Hamed holds my hand and pulls me back.

"Yeah?",I ask him confused.

He digs into his pocket then takes out his card.

"just in case you see something you like before we get there",he whispers to me.

"Hamed I can't ta-".

"And why not? He's going to be your husband anyways. You can't say no to him. Take the card",Noor forces.


She takes the card off Hamed then holds my hand.

"I'll make sure she gets something"she winks at Hamed who chuckles and nods.

"See you in 15",she waves at her husband who smiles then nods.

They stand there and watch as we both wait to cross the road.

The cars wouldn't stop though. Every time we try, another car magically pops out so we have to jump back.

"I hate this come on"I hold Noor's hand then look to the left then right. There's two cars coming from each side but they're kind of far from us but not really. If we run then they'll get close to us but they'll be forced to wait because they don't want an accident. The least we'll get is them pressing horns at us.

I pull Noor who's screaming with me then make us both run for the footpath. All we hear next are loud horns. I turn around and wave innocently at the cars. A lady just laughs then throws her head back with laughter which made me chuckle at my own craziness.

"Busola",Noor slaps my shoulder angrily.

"Aw am sorry but we both are glad we're out of there",I hug her then kiss her cheek. She just rolls her eyes then let's our a chuckle.

"Your crazy"both Usman and Hamed yell from the other side. We turn towards them and wave then laugh.


I've gotten like 5 dresses now all because of Noor who's just throwing random dresses at me. She says I have to try them on for her. I just agreed because I like the fact that we're spending time together. She's nice and fun and super funny.

"Any luck?",Usman asks as him and Hamed show up beside us.

I sigh and hold up the pile of dresses in my hand while Noor throws more and more onto it. But Hamed seems to find it funny that am being tortured like this. Asshole.

"Let her try on the ones she has Noor. We don't have all day, she still gotta go try on some saree's too",Usman says.

"Yeah"I nod with agreement hoping she'd agree.

"Yeah just two more dresses",she runs off to another section then comes rushing back over with another 2 different white dresses.

"Now go change",she smiles.

I nod then walk over towards the changing room. I enter the empty one then close the curtains.

After trying at least 4 I got fed up. I split them up then glance over each one to see which one I liked the most. 
Once I see THE ONE. I pick it up with a smile then move the rest to the side. I undress again then put on my chosen one.

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