Part 14- Accident

478 51 13

15th August 2018


"What?",a voice gasps from behind Hamed.

Hamed moves out the way and there stands Laken with a shocked face.

"Laken"I whisper.

"You love him?",other voices whisper. I look past him and there stands Hamed's family, Laken's family and my siblings.

"I-i- i-"I stutter and take a huge gulp.

"Why did you agree to marry me then?",Laken asks me as he looks at me with hurt.

"I didn't know. I just. Am sorry"I frown and wipe my tears but it made no difference as more slid down my cheeks.

"Why him? What does he have that I don't?"he asks.

I look down and sniff.

"My heart"I whisper to myself but I think everyone heard because everyone gasped as soon as the words left my lips.

"But he's crazy",Laken's mom yells.

"He's not crazy",Aunty says.

"Really? We've all seen the video. He's mental. Why didn't you even admit him to a psychiatric hospital where he can get better care? So your choosing a deranged man over me?",Laken yells.

I gasp and finally look up. I don't know what came over me. The words just hit me like a ton of bricks. As if my reflexes were put to charge, I slapped Laken out of anger.

"Don't You Dare Call Him That Laken. There's Nothing Deranged About Him. He's Not Crazy Either. He Has Issues Sure But Which One Of Us Doesn't? Huh? You Have No Right To Call Him That And Don't You Dare Ever Say Such A Thing Again"I yell.

"BUSOLA"His mom yells at me then she pushes past Laken and pulls me forcefully towards her.

"Don't you ever raise your voice at me son again"she yells then raises her hand to slap me.

"If you touch her I will personally make sure you never use that hand again" aunty snaps and pulls me towards her.

I gasp and look at my shaking reddened hands then at Laken who's staring shockingly at me.

"I-i di-di- am sorry"I whisper then walk backwards with tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Am sorry",I repeat before turning around and making a run for it. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I didn't know where I was going but I also didn't care. I just wanted to be away from them all.

"Sis sis"I hear Hasna calling but I don't reply her.

"Leave me alone"I yell back

"No no sis watch out. Stop. Wait"she yells. I look back to find her tumbling down the footpath. I stop instantly and turn around to go back to her. I take a step forward but as soon as I do that I feel something heavy ram into me.

"Busola", is all I hear before I came tumbling heavily down onto the road.

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