Part 15-Hiding True Feelings

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1st September 2018

3 and a half weeks since the accident.

3 and a half weeks since the Nikkah destruction.

3 and a half weeks since Busola confessed her love to Hamed.

3 and a half weeks since she slapped ex fiance.

3 and a half weeks and she's still in a coma.

3 and a half weeks of torture for her siblings AND Hamed who blames himself for everything that had happened.

"I should've went after her but I didn't. I just stayed there and let her go",is what he repeats every day since that accident.

He'd visit her everyday in hope that she would wake up and come back to him. But unfortunately that day never came.

There had been two hectic and shameful news in those 3 and a half weeks.

Firstly, there's talks and hateful comments being thrown at Hamed and his family, hateful comments said to Busola herself.

Secondly, they had just found out that something actually did happen the day Hasna was kidnapped. Because now she's 4 and a half weeks pregnant but she also doesn't know who the father is because she had no idea she had been raped. Everyone had been talking about it and her, calling her a prostitute. Hasna has now hit Depression. She hasn't come out of the house ever since the day that her pictures had been posted around. Everyone had seen her. Everyone.

Hamed's condition worsened. He'd just go on a rampage at any time but this time its harder to control him.

Yousif tries to stay strong for Hasna but even he's scared that he might lose his big sister just like he lost his parents to a car accident. He argues less and cries to himself more.


"Talk to me Hasna. Please you've been pushing me away",I sit down beside her curled body against the bedsheets but she doesn't even move an inch.

"Did you not hear them? No one will marry me. My pictures are all around now. How can I face anyone? How can I face even you?",she whispers.

"You shouldn't be worried about them habiti. No one else should want to marry you because your mine. I will marry you. Your my future wife".

"You still want to marry me even after all this?",she finally sits down and faces me.

"Yes"I whisper.

"I love you Ishaq"she whispers.

"I love you too",I smile and look at her. I kiss her cheek then lay her head on my lap while I massage her back gently.

"Guys"Yousif yells barging into the room. He looks at us two but doesn't say anything. He had given up in arguing with me. We both realized that we were being stupid. We were fighting for nothing. Nothing at all. It made no sense.

"Sis is awake. Let's go",Yousif says.

"She is?"Hasna stands up with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go"Yousif yells then runs out of the room.

"Come on"I help Hasna off the bed.


Busola's eyes search through the room, am guessing for bhai who isn't here yet.

He's out there debating whether or not he should come in.

"I'll get him"Usman bhai sighs then he walks out of the room and minutes later he pulls Hamed bhai in.

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