Part 41(No Memories)

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"I'll be in my room",I stand up after hearing the car shutting down outside. How am I supposed to face someone that made me this way? What will I say?

"Stay",Busola holds my hand stopping me from walking up the stairs.

I turn to her and wanted to so badly reject but the look she had on didn't allow me. She looked at me desperately with a mixture of anxiousness and pain.

"I know its hard for you to see her here but I can't I don't think I can handle this alone. Please stay",she whispers.

I look down at our hands as she tightens her hold on it.

"Okay",I nod.

"I don't understand why we're letting someone that was involved in bhai's accident come into this house",Ayesha speaks up.

"Because she might be our sister",Hasna says.

"She nearly got bhai killed",Ayesha argues

"We don't know it's her for sure. We'll find out as soon as she w-".

The door opens and Noor babhi walks in with HER.

She looked the same. Except this time she wasn't showing any skin. She's in a long black dress. Her hair isn't covered but her appearance is different than before.

"Its her"Ayesha whispers.

My chest tightens and my hands start to shake but stops when Busola held my hand.

"Hey Daneen. Thanks for coming. I just wanted to t-".

"I brought my mom am not sure if you wou-"

"Yes we would"Hasna cuts her off instantly.

Daneen looks at her with an eyebrow raise then smiles.

"She's outside?",Busola asks

"Yeah. She didn't want to I Trude so she said to ask if its okay with you all first",she smiles.

She doesn't remember me at all. Of course how could she? I've changed so much in appearance.

"Bring her in"mama says.

Daneen smiles then types on her phone.

"Mama you can come".

"I can't do this",Busola let's go of my hand and goes to leave but I pull her back.

"You have to do this sooner or later. If Allah wanted us to run away from this He wouldn't have showed me the truth".

The door opens and the same lady in my dream walks in. She looks just like Hasna. The shape of face and slim stature. She's in a pale abaya color with black hijab. Mashallah she looks beautiful.

Doesn't look like she knows anyone from the look of her face.

Hasna, Busola and Yousif just stare at her.

"You don't know us?",Hasna's voice breaks. Aunty looks at her with a smile but shakes her head confused then Hasna starts crying.

"Hasna"Busola sighs and let's go of my hand then engulfs Hasna in a hug.

"I'll explain. Please don't cry",Daneen tells Hasna.

"You know?",Busola raises an eyebrow at Daneen.

"Why do you think I came to talk to you on your first day",Daneen smiles.

"I just thought you'd like to see her that's why I brought her today. And maybe just maybe it'd help her but I guess not",Daneen smiles sadly at her mother.

"Help her in what way?",Busola asks her with a raised eyebrow but Daneen just stays quiet.

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