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Are you guys enjoying it so far? 

Are you curious what's going to happen?

 Me too! I'm making it up as I go, and I think I'm heading in a good direction-- can't wait for you guys to continue. 

Have a wonderful day or night. 

Enjoy ! xD 


(Three Months Later)

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(Three Months Later)

Feeling a sweat drip down my brow-- ignoring the tickle feeling. My wrists are in pain, my shins-- everywhere on my body hurts! My skin feels warm to the touch, why do I do this to myself? Could have been at home-- relaxing in front of the tv-- watching some tv show series and reach season four by the end of the day. Instead, I'm here-- outside, surrounded by grass and trees. No one in sight-- just the sounds of the leaves rustling in the wind and birds chirping. The breeze flowing in every once in a while to cool my body temperature.My chest expands out heavily-- I'm not even tired-- I can keep going... I think-- parts of my body are screaming in pain. I can't give in-- Oh shit, here he comes! That wasn't even thirty seconds resting time! 

He throws himself at me-- I throw the first punch but he blocks my attempt, my left fist makes a go for it but he blocks it again. Damn-- he swings his softball sized fist my way. I duck lowering down-- he switches direction and brings his right knee up. My hands cup together and take the knee stike-- feeling slight pain in my palms. He quickly grasps my wrist-- twisting my arm around to my back. My left arm couldn't reach behind me-- couldn't grab onto him.Shit! Is he going to beat me again?! Think think think! I raise my left elbow and chuck it back-- hitting his cheek not so hard. It stuns him for a second-- him releasing my right arm. I grab his thick wrist--but I lost grip of it-- making me reach out to grab it again. I fully gripped his wrist tight, raising my knee up to climb over his shoulders--- his body flinging over and landing on the soft grass. He gives me a look as soon as he tucked and rolled to his knees with perfection. He lifs his chin up, seeing short brown hair, light stubble-- and a hidden power. He knows I lost focus-- distraction is what got the better of me. He knows it.

(Chris)- " You're distracted" See, I knew he would notice. Chris Redfield, BSAA's very best.I breathe in air fast, exhausted-- Chris is a heavy person to lift. He stands on his feet and heads to the our bags, there rests a white towel ready to be used. He grabs one for himself and tosses one for me. I caught it with ease.Chris's shoulder tenses, I have a feeling he's going to scold me.

(Chris)- " What's eating you?" he asked, taking the towel and wiping away the sweat around his neck and face.

(Y/n)- " Nothing, why?" I wipe the towel across my forehead and the upper part of my chest before placing the towel behind my neck to rest. My acting skills are very terrible-- it'll be stupid of me to believe Chris will buy that. He's not dumb.

Just Say When (Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#4] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now