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I know it's been like forever since I last posted. 

Wait no more-- I'll be posting two chapters today. 

exciting I know-- maybe I'll post three! 

we'll see xD


(One Week Later)

I look at my phone screen, nothing but spam and random notification that I haven't set the settings off to. Where the hell are they? I feel like an idiot-- sitting near the fountain by myself. I look up to the cloudy sky, it was really nice weather. Sweater weather. I look over to the east-- looks like rain is coming. Shit-- I didn't prepare for rain. Hopefully this little outing doesn't take long.

(Lucas)- "Finally made it." I look back down to ground level to see Lucas in casual clothes. Black jeans with black and white vans and a denim button down with a white v-neck shirt underneath. His sleeves were rolled up to his mid forearm, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He really knows how to piece outfits together. I look down at my appearance and back to his-- sorta makes me feel like I'm under dressed. Lucas looks up into the sky--looking puzzled. 

(Lucas)- " What were you looking at?" he spoke and brings his eyes back to mine.

(Y/n)-"Oh-- nothing." When did he see me doing that? 

(Lucas)- " You look great today" my eyes widen-- he suddenly complimented me. I try to cover my little grin but it was no use. 

(Y/n)- "T-thanks" I keep my head down to hide any blush my cheeks could've made.

(Lucas)- "Where's Morgan, Niko?" he asked shaking his hair.

(Y/n)- "Niko couldn't make it, he has to babysit his niece. Morgan hasn't responded back yet." The whole reason we're out there on our day off is to help Morgan and Niko find their costumes for the theme for the upcoming event in a few weeks. A chime beeps in my hands, that better be Morgan. As I go to my messages-- her text wasn't good.

(Y/n)- " She's not coming" I say through my teeth, feeling almost annoyed.

(Lucas)- "She's out too? "

(Y/n)- "Work called her in" that is bullshit, she probably did this on purpose. When asked about Leon-- I  dodge her questions every way I can but I think she's finally giving up. Now, she's trying to set me up with Lucas.

(Lucas)- "Well there goes that, besides I think the theme changed." What? It changed? when-- why? Tanner. I'll text him later about that. 

(Y/n)- " When did it change?"

(Lucas)- " it was in the work email. I forwarded it to you." I don't remember looking at the email-- I must've skimmed it or something. Work has been stressful and I can hardly focus either. 

(Lucas)- " Do you even work at your desk?" he chuckles raising a brow.

(Y/n)- " I space out time to time" I seem to do that everyday-- lost in my own thoughts.

(Lucas)- "I guess it's just you and me"

(Y/n)-" Yeah, now what do I do? My whole day was free for this" I could've picked up a few more hours at work....or cuddle in bed with Major at my feet and Cyrano laying on my chest while watching the next hottest Netflix series.

(Lucas)- "We could possibly do something." What does he mean by that? Like spending the day together? What could the two of us do on a Saturday afternoon? 

Just Say When (Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#4] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now