CHAPTER NINETEEN: What Do You Want From Me?

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I left it off interesting in the last chapter, didn't I? 

It's only going to get better...or worse....from here 

Enjoy the chapter xD



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I lean forward-- elbows resting on my knees. My eyes kept a steady watch on her. I exhale air out my nose, a long deep sigh. She shuffles around the small couch--clinging onto the pillow close to her chest. Her words echo in my ear-- the way she said she can't go through it again. I hate that I've let this go on-- I should've known better to get involved with someone. I thought maybe...just maybe it could somehow work. I was wrong-- selfish even. I continue to watch her sleep, her nose flaring a tiny bit.

I shouldn't have came back....I had no choice.

That's a lie.

I had other choices...but me coming back wasn't on the list. Chris could've taken my place, Rebecca, Helena--shit..anyone but me. I slightly shake my head side to side. This is my fault-- I take most of the blame. I deeply sigh again. I've only been gone for three months, How did I manage to stay away from her for nine years? 

The missions. It made things easier-- but's getting harder. I can't explain the situation to her. Not yet. 

My eyes wander around the home, it's still the same when I left. I lean my back pressed on the couch, the dog laying next to me raises his head on my lap. I reach for his blue bone shaped collar tag. Major. He's got his shots and everything. This is the dog from that night-- with that guy.

They seem to be close, I have to be careful...and so does she. I don't like the look of him...the way he watched me. I had Hunnigan look into him but nothing came up-- nothing strange at least. That doesn't mean he's off my radar. I'll find out more about him soon. 

I pet Major's head, his floppy ears moving side to side. I sigh again and get up from the couch. I hover over (Y/n) sleeping so peacefully. I softly chuckle in my throat for no particular reason...just the sight of her brings a smile to my face. My arms extend out and gently grab onto her legs and back, she doesn't struggle-- she was too deep in her sleep.I cradle her in my arms-- her head aimed down--resting against my left shoulder. The warmth of her was comforting,soothing.. Something I haven't really felt in a while.

I jerked my head towards Major to follow me upstairs. Carefully making sure not disturb her, but it would be a sight to see her cheeks turn a bright red. Finally reaching the top of the stairs, I entered her bedroom. Her bed was neat and clean and there lays Cyrano-- waiting for her to join him. I walked over to the left side of the bed and lowered her down gently. She immediately turns to her side and curls up into a ball. By her feet was a thick folded blanket, I reach for it and spread it out-- covering her. Major jumps onto the bed and lays near her feet. Cyrano stays on the right side of the bed, that must be his side. I chuckle with a grin. I walk over to the corner of the bed and sat at the edge. I rest my elbows on my knees, I looked over to my right shoulder, eyeing her again. 

I don't know what I'm going to do. I look back in front of me-- eyeing the wood floors. I reach into my pocket and pulled out my clear device. Lowering my arm down to right boot and retrieve my combat knife I keep hidden. I take the tip of the knife to my device, trying to get a small slot to open. Once I got it to open-- a tiny card escapes the slot. I pinch to get a grip on it, I pull it out of the device and set it aside. I raise the tiny card up to eye level.

(Leon)- " Sorry, Hunnigan" I say softly. I stood up from the bed, something caught my eye. There at a corner of the desk. (Y/n)'s clear device. She kept it? Even after everything? I walk up to the desk and take the device and do the same-- remove the tiny card out of the slot. I take both the cards with me into the bathroom nearby. My hand switched on the lights, seeing my reflection.

That's me.... but what I'm about to do isn't going to be me. 

I place the cards on the counter, I raise up the knife in my hand and point the tip to the cards. I take a slow stab to both of them-- hearing a crack to it. I place the knife back in its holster under my pant leg. I pick up the cards and tossed them into the sink-- letting the faucet run under as they disappear down the drain.

Hunnigan won't be able to track where I am. The devices are uselss now. I shut off the water and the lights and exit out the bathroom. (Y/n) was still sleeping, the blanket has lowered to her mid arm. I head over to the bed reaching for the blanket to cover to cover her up again.

Being this close to her....I lightly press my lips to her forehead. 

I straighten my back, giving another gaze at her. My feet make their way to the front of the room grabbing my device as I go, closing the door slowly and quietly as I can-- leaving a small gap. I head back downstairs and to the front door. I reach for my coat slipping it on as I grab the handle, twisting it and leaving the home for tonight.

I don't know if what I'm doing is the right decision-- but this got too serious.

I'm going to do this my way. 

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