CHAPTER THIRTY: Eight Questions (Part 2)

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His blue eyes were dark, darker than usual-- I don't know if it was the lighting from being at the far end of the bar but he looks so mysterious. Something about him being this direct yet playful is intriguing and is making me want more of this game he wants to play. What the hell should my first question be? better yet-- what will his questions be? What could he possibly ask me?  He leans back in his chair with back pressed against the back rest with his arm draped over the corner, waiting for me to ask my question. I could ask the basic question that I have on my mind that Ada gave-- whoever they are. 

Screw it.

(Y/n)- "Who's after me?" He tilts his head and smirks.He reaches for the first shot glass and drinks it back like it was nothing, he flips the glass over on the table and waits for me.

(Leon)- "I don't know."

(Y/n)- " What do you mean you don't know--" I stopped myself, shit-- I hope that doesn't count for my next one.

(Leon)- "My turn." He leans up from the chair with his gaze me. He could ask me anything-- what could he ask that he doesn't already know? Feeling my heart racing-- waiting for him to open his mouth to speak his words. He blinks a few times and tilts his head slightly-- bangs over his eyes. 

(Leon)- "What were you feeling when I left that night? "I was slightly taken aback, why is he asking about that night? I was feeling everything, every emotion possible-- A little bit of myself crumbled at my feet. I shut my eyes closed-- thinking about that moment-- but only a few seconds before I feel the pain from that night reemerging 

(Y/n)- "What do you think I felt?"

(Leon)- " I want you to tell me." His voice was soothing and firm.  His eyes kept a steady aim at me. 

(Y/n)- " That night...I felt these-- walls surrounding me. Feeling lost-- anger, depression, hell... I felt like I was drowning myself at one point..."  As I spoke-- I choked up a little bit, feeling a bitter taste of salt water.The imagery of myself drowning in dark water, I never want to feel like that again. He doesn't say anything-- not even asking me to explain myself more. He nods and jerks his head for me to pick up a shot glass. I pick up a glass hovering near my lips.

(Y/n)- "How do I know you're telling me the truth?" I narrow my eyes towards him. 

(Leon)- " You're just going to have to trust me" Our eyes were locked to each other once more, I do trust him-- but Ada's words echo inside my head. Am I going to question my trust with him? I tilt my head back and swing the shot in my mouth-- swallowing all of the vodka. Once it was fully through I shudder at the aftertaste-- slightly coughing. Not my first choice when I go out for drinks.

(Leon)- "Three."

(Y/n)- "What was your original mission. All of it." He takes another shot glass and drinks it, flipping the glass over on the table next to the other one.

(Leon)- " Searching a threat that was soon to rise. The mission you guided me through, My orders were to return and find a sample."

(Y/n)- "Sample? What sample? " My brows furrow, narrowing my eyes at him. He tilts his head-- nothing. He's not going to tell me? 

(Leon)-"What's your status with your lieutenant?" My eyes widen at his quick sudden question.

(Y/n)- "Tanner? He's my Lieutenant-- a past relationship. He's nothing more but a good friend to me" He tilts his head to the side, waiting for me to drink another one. I reach for one of the shots and quickly drank it quickly just to get it over with. I place the empty glass down. What should I ask him next? I only have two more shots left to ask. One immediately came to mind-- it's one I've been asking myself all the time.

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