CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: Dancing With Myself (Part 1)

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I take two fingers to the sides of my temples and rub them gently-- easing the headache pain but it goes away for a few seconds before it returns to annoy me some more. Ugh-- why did I come in to work? I was given another day off but I came willingly. The reason...

Leon Kennedy. 

I'm to saying his name in a bad way it's just--waking up with a mini hangover, remembering the actions of last night was highly unlike me. Maybe just a bit embarrassing. Drinking, having a mini  battle in my living room floor-- Oh jeez. I let out a deep sigh. 

This morning for sure made me decide to come into work, Waking up at six thirty was normal for me. What wasn't normal-- making this day extra special was heading downstairs and seeing in my backyard was a sweaty, Leon. A black fitted t-shirt and gym shorts, not that I'm complaining-- it's just-- It was so sudden. They looked very good on him, but at the sight of seeing it-- I had to come to work to distract me. Otherwise I'll have no choice but to be in the house alone with him all day. 

Now here I am thinking about him and probably glowing a bright shade of red on my cheeks. I told Leon I'm going to work and he didn't seem to mind me leaving. What has my curiosity is where and what he's up to? 

I continue to rub my temples-- hoping for the headache to pass. Out of nowhere-- a manly hand along with a chocolate long john donut, was placed neatly in front of me. I look up to see who's hand this is, turns out to be Lucas.  His dashing smile, Eyes greener than before, hair perfectly styled. 

(Lucas)- "You look like you could use a pick me up" he chuckles placing a mini store bought carton of milk on my desk-- like the ones you're given at elementary school lunches. 

(Y/n)- "Thanks" I thanked and whined at my pain, and my weak willpower. I'll just train extra longer next time. This. This is what I need. I grab the carton of milk-- tearing one of the corners to open it. This is brining me flash backs of high school too, only thing missing is if-- 

Yep. It always happens. The side that says, open here, doesn't open-- only ripping the top later of the carton. I spin the carton to the other side to get it open-- I already what's going to happen, its going to happen to the other side. Oh, look at that-- I was right. This is slightly pinching my nerve making my mood already worse with the headache.

(Lucas)- "Haha-- Happens to you too, huh?" He lets out a light laugh and reaches for the carton, tearing it the open side for me finally drink. 

(Y/n)- "Ugh-- Thank you" I take the donut and bring it up to my lips, smelling the chocolatey flavor is making my mouth water. I sink my teeth into the bread--tasting the chocolate at the tip of my tongue. I bring the carton of milk to my mouth-- gulping down the milk along with the donut to wash down the flavorful taste. I failed to notice that Lucas too has a donut in hand, maple by the looks of it-- but instead of milk-- it was coffee.  

(Lucas)- "What happened last night, did I crash the party or something?" He asks before taking a bit of his donut with a sip of his coffee afterwards. 

(Y/n)- "Nothing, went home, at dinner and went to bed" Not a total lie but not the whole truth. 

(Lucas)- "I tried calling you last night" Flashbacks of my phone being submerged in beer bring a sting to my heart.

(Y/n)- " My phone's busted" I say with pout. 

(Lucas)- "Hmm, no wonder you weren't getting my texts and calls" He says before taking another sip of his coffee.

(Y/n)- "What about you, what did you do after we left?" I take another bite of the donut with a sip of milk. 

(Lucas)- "The usual. Go home, play some sad music-- hoping the woman I'm interested in will say yes to dinner with me tonight" I let out a snort-- shocking me with his words. 

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