CHAPTER SIX: Must Be The Feeling

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Sorry I haven't been posting, working on other stories while doing this one. 

Kinda had writers block on this part. 

but now that part is over-- enjoy this chapter xD 


(Officer)- "Lieutentant!" I hear someone call for Tanner. My head turns automatically as I kept on walking-- heading to our car. I see Tanner heading over to an officer who had called him, he was holding the dog who attacked me earlier.

(Lieutenant)-" Where's animal control?" he's still steaming, his nose is flaring-- he's trying to calm down.

(Officer)- " Hasn't arrived sir, what do we do with the rest of them?" I ignore their conversation and reach out to the handle of the car. I've had enough of this for one night, 

(Time Skip)

I hung my house keys on the hook near the door, my feet barely pick themselves up as I walk in further into the living room. My hand reaches for a switch and I flick it out-- seeing my home light up--nothing but furniture in its same original place. I drop my shoulder making my bag collapse on the ground with a thud. I sigh deeply and kick off my shoes, feels so much better. I roll my shoulders, feeling the tension in my muscles--ah shit, its sore. How did I not feel this before?

It was my idea, I was the one who did it to myself. I should call Chris later-- ask him if this weekends training session is still on. I lightly chuckle in my throat with a smile slowly appearing. I'm the little sister of his team. Eventually, I'll be able to take on Chris one on one-- just give me some time. I make my way upstairs in my room, removing my clothes and dressing into something more comfortable. Slipping my shirt over my head-- seeing the darkness. My arms froze in the air-- my t-shirt covering my eyes with my nose just outside the shirt hole. A familiar scent suddenly cloggs my nose. I recognize it instantly....flashback images play in my head. Those days back in the cabin house. I pulled the shirt finally over, no one was here. My mind was playing tricks on me. I chuck the shirt into the laundry basket and continued to remove my clothing and put my pajamas on. My feet move towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. As soon as I was done brushing-- I crawled into bed and clung to my blankets. Sleep it off--- sleep it off. Close your eyes and hope to night have a dream about him.


The lights remain off, growls-- inching closer. My shoulders tense-- this isn't going to be easy. Each step I take forward, the growls get more aggresive. My hand keeps a steady aim-- seeing the light beam pointing ahead of me. Nothing but pitch darkness and a grey cement pathway. 

(Y/n)- " Leon..." her voice was soft. She whispered my name. I can't answer her-- not now. Hearing a crunch underneath my boot. Stopped me dead frozen still. Shit. Something jumped into my light a few feet away. It's low raspy breathing-- my head tilts to the side. Feels just like the first time, back at the Raccoon Police station. 

If it had eyes it's looking straight at me, its jaw opens revealing its teeth. Saliva dripping down the corners of its mouth. Another one jumps landing nearby-- my hand quickly aims to the right of me. Seeing three more just waiting. What are they waiting for?

(Y/n)- "Leon!" she shouted her voice. My finger sldies to the trigger, gripping the handle of the gun tightly. Their heads turn to me simultaneously-- my eyes widen. This isn't gonna go well.

A sudden tackle got me by surprise, landing on my left side-- the wind was knocked out of me but I rolled into kneeling position. Aiming my handgun with my only light source--I fire three rounds. Smoke fades into the light beam. Loud shrieking echoed all around me, more of them jump around in and out of my light. 

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