CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Something In His Eyes

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Give it a listen when the reader presses play in the story. 

I hope you can picture it like I can.


(Time Skip)

We reach to his home-- it was clean and white on the outside. Once Lucas opened the front door-- the houses scent leaked out with a hint of his cologne smell. He opens the door widely for me to enter in first. I couldn't help but look around the living room, picture frames hanging-- clothes clean and dirty spread around and dishes stacked on top of each other near the end table. As I take baby steps into the home, some boxes were left over in the hallway marked ' living room' ' kitchen' and 'study.'

(Lucas)- " Sorry about the mess. I haven't had time to really sort out my things." he shakes his hair slightly embarrassed.

(Y/n)- " Its alright, I don't mind" I walk to the center of the living room-- being the center of attention. No pictures-- just empty frames with a deafult photo when you pruchase them from the store.

(Y/n)- " You don't have pictures of your family?" I ask-- I'm probably out of line. Looking at these empty ones remind me of the ones I have still hanging in my house. 

(Lucas)- "I haven't gone through them-- been busy lately." he says he quickly tidies up the place.

I got a little more curious when I spotted an iPod plugged into a speaker dock ready for someone to press the play button. I doubt he wouldn't mind some music while he cleans up. 

(Y/n)- "What was the last song you listened to?" my finger pressed play, hearing the song through the loud clear speakers.It was very upbeat, very feel good vibe. It took the pressure off my shoulders. 

(Y/n)- " What is this?! " I chuckle, speaking loud for him to hear me over the music.

(Lucas)- " What? Have you not heard this before?!" I shook my head side to side. I think I have-- but its probably been so long. He drops the piles of clothes in his arms back on the floor and came to the center of the room. I stood where I stand and he circles around me, placing a hand on my waist. Feeling goosebumps on my arms at how close he is now. He was standing behind me, feeling the hot air as he exhaled. His hand reaches for mine--taking my left hand and sways side to side in rhythm to the music 

(Lucas)- "She comes in colors everywhere..." he sings along with the song, he  raises our hands up to spin me around. I let out a laugh once I made a full turn and catches me-- now facing in front of him.

(Lucas)- "She combs her hair...." He runs his hand through my hair as he continues to sing to the song. My smile was wide and bright, his hand was still resting on my waist and the other grabs a hold of my hand and sways side to side again. 

(Lucas)-"She's like a rainbow.Coming, colors in the air. Oh, everywhere.She comes in colors" he does on more spin and dips me, holding me with ease. Once we straightened up--we laugh together at this little thing that just happened. His laugh sounded different-- it sounded real, maybe just like how mine sounded a few seconds ago. Our wide smiles slowly lower, his hand was still at my waist. Our faces were really close-- I can smell his scent-- only his scent. I can feel him inching closer-- closing the gap between us. The front part of his hair falls covering his right eye. Leon's face comes to mind-- my body froze, Lucas must've noticed because he clears his throat and moves away taking his hand off my waist.

(Lucas)-"Sorry-- got carried away. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He shakes his hair and smiles, heading back to the pile of clothes he dropped before we started dancing in the middle of the room. The song ends and plays a new song, a song I knew right away. "Burn it down" by Linkin Park. I went to the Ipod speaker and lowered the volume-- even though I wanted to keep it as it was. He goes upstairs to put the clothes away, I stand there-- feeling awkward in his living room. His footsteps coming from the stairs, seeing him eye me with concern.

(Lucas)- " (Y/n)-- you okay?" my brows furrow at his concern-- what is he talking about? I feel fine.

(Y/n)- " What?" he approaches me and takes his index and middle finger across my nostrils. My nose flares at a sudden action of his. He held his fingers up showing blood. It hit me-- my nose is bleeding? What-- why? I whip my nose with the back of my hand and turn away from him.

(Y/n)- " Sorry" I say as I sniff my nose.

(Lucas)- "You're apologizing to me for having a bloody nose?" he chuckles And heads into the next room which is the kitchen to wash his hands. I cotinue to wipe my nose until it was dried. I sniffed in to make sure and it was gone. I step into the kitchen with him-- seeing him take a paper towel and run it under the flowing faucet. He squeezes out the wet paper towel and shuts the water off.

(Y/n)- "I should probably head home."

(Lucas)- "You haven't eaten anything" he approaches me, and takes his fingers to my chin and lift up. All I could see and smell was him, he begins to wipe my nose gently and carefully.

(Y/n)- " I'll be fine." I say lightly pushing his hand away. I think my nose is clean now. 

(Lucas)- " You sure?"

(Y/n)- "Yes." I say with a grin.

(Lucas)- " Why not I make you something before you go? I make a mean chocolate chip pancake"

(Y/n)- " As good as that sounds, I should be getting home. Major and Cyrano probably hungry by now. I'd feel better feeding them before myself" 

(Lucas)- "You're a loving pet owner. How about I walk you home?"  

(Y/n)- "You don't have to"

(Lucas)- "I want to. Make sure you get there safely." 

(Y/n)- "Okay" I grin. 

(Lucas)- "Let me go get you a raincoat, it's probably chilly outside" I nod and he goes up the stairs skipping one step to get to the top faster. Once he was upstairs outta sight, I went over to the iPod and stopped the music from playing. This feels weird just being in his home, I wonder through the kitchen and out through the hallway. There's  door with a lock to it, it raises my curiosity to a 77%. 

Why does someone need to lock a door like that in a house? I take a few steps towards the door-- it was unlocked but the padlock was hanging on the hook. My footsteps were quiet-- I inch forward reached my hand out to remove the lock. a sudden hang came into view -- taking the top and bottom lock and locking the door. My eyes dart to Lucas-- he has a smirk on his face. 

(Lucas)-  "You don't want to do that" 

(Y/n)- " Why, whats down there?" 

(Lucas)- "The basement flooded a couple weeks ago and now mold is growing down there." he explains and puts his rain coat on me. He zips the coat all the way to my neck-- hearing the raincoat make noise.

(Lucas)- "Ready?" I nodded and he takes my shoulder leading us to the front of the house to leave. 

I couldn't shake this odd feeling that I'm having. I don't like this.

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