CHAPTER EIGHT: Is There Another way?

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I retrieve my hand back from her waist, redness surrounding her cheeks. Looking down at her-- our eyes meeting. I break contact first, looking into my palm seeing a silver key lay flat. She must really trust me, giving me her only place of comfort. 

This is why I'm here.

I place the key into my pant pocket. Tilting my head to the side, she's still the same as ever. I'm curious what sort of things she tells her co-workers. Did she make up a fake occupation to cover me up? Most likely. She doesn't even go into detail--Judging how her friend is curious about her personal life--(Y/n) didn't  say much. I should have known when coming here I was going to catch some kind of attention, but didn't expect this much from her friends. Niko and Morgan. I hope they are enough. I give a smile to the two of them. Morgan's facial expression jumps and shyly smiles back to me. I revert my gaze to (Y/n), seeing her eye at her friends. Her hairs gotten much longer, she seems a little different. I can see clearly. White wrapped bandages caught my attention, I couldn't help but grin at her. 

(Leon)- " I'll see you later-- It was nice meeting you two" I raise my hand to wave a hand to Morgan and Niko.

(Niko)- " Yeah-- you too." 

(Morgan)- " You should come visit (Y/n) more often. It'll be good for her." I tilt my head to the side. 

(Y/n)- " Morgan." she calls her out. 

(Leon)- " Heh, see ya" I wave as I leave the three. 

I head out of the station, feeling the warm summer air. Hardly take in fresh air like this. As I get to the car, my hand froze--hovering near the handle. I see someone afar-- whoever it is, they notice me as well. From this distance-- I can't see this person's face. They get into their vehicle and speeds off the parking lot. I get into mine, sitting in silence. A deep exhale exits out of my nostrils, my bangs covering my left eyesight. 

I don't know what I'm going to say. She's going to ask questions-- one being why I'm here.

(Time Skip)

I arrive to her place, seeing it from outside the car window. She's probably thinking to herself how I'm going to find her place--she can't contact me. Hunnigan gave me her information a long time ago. I shut off the engine and proceed to exit out, locking the car behind me.

Ringing came from my pocket. I already know who that is-- no need to look at the caller I.D. My hand reaches in and I immediately answer. Placing it up to my ear.

(Voice)- " Leon,I'm sorry... but it's their orders."

(Leon)- "I'll get it done, Leon out." I say, sounding cold and dry. I clicked off. The sound of Hunnigan's voice-- sounds almost sympathetic. Slightly gritting my teeth, placing the device back in its place.

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