chapter 12

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After breakfast the four made their way to class. Unfortunately Scarlett didn't have the next class with them since she had charms next.

"Sorry, I have to go" Scarlett told Harry. "I'll see you later yeah?"she waved. Harry watched her as she walked into the crowd of students going to class. Her long chocolate brown hair swishing down her shoulder blades as she walked. She was hypnotic.

He was interrupted by Ron slapping him on the back. " well done mate , it only took you five years. You even got her to eat breakfast with you" he grinned at Harry.

"Honestly Ron, your going to make us late for class. You can tease him on the way" said Hermione. Which caused Harry to blush bright red.

"I'll be honest" said Ron as they made their way to class. "I though she would be a bitch".

"Why"asked Hermione as she looked up at him. Ron shrugged his shoulders in response." Everyone always says she is. But she was actually really nice".

"Well then you shouldn't listen to rumors then Ron" said harry.


Charms was always Scarlett's favorite. In her opinion it way the 'key' to any prank. So it was fair to say that she was the best in the class.

Throughout the whole lesson she thought about Harry Potter. He had asked her to breakfast. No one had ever done that before. Most people avoided her with a passion. Sure people were nice to her in passing. But that doesn't mean that she was naive. She was well aware that most people thought of her as a cold hearted bitch. But she had made her peace with that long ago.

But harry had actually asked for her company which was new to her. The thought of him had never crossed her mind until today. Him and his friends had been nice. She had even had a lovely conversation with Ron and Harry about quidditch. Hermione had even been nicer than expected.

So yes, it had been a strange but nice morning. She looked around from her seat at the back of the classroom.

Flitwick had managed to get her to do the counter curse on malfoy half way through the class since he kept hitting of the ceiling and almost floated out an open window.
They were learning about how to change the colour of things. But since she already knew that she started to daydream until the bell went off to signal the end of the class.

Defense against the dark arts was next. But Scarlett decided that it was a waste of time so instead she was going to pay a visit to her favorite bird. Fawkes. She must be miserable without me. So she walked in the opposite direction towards dumbledore's office.

When she reached the door she knocked twice. There was no answer so she went inside. Upon further inspection she noticed that dumbledore wasn't there.

Fawkes however was there much to her delight. She squaked happily at Scarlett when she saw her. Scarlett immediately went to pick up the bird to cradle her like a newborn baby. The phionx Nuzzled her head against Scarlett's fingers as she petted her. Slowly Scarlett began to rock the bird from side to side as she walked towards the chair she sat in yesterday.

Just as she sat down the fireplace blazed to life and dumbledore stepped out. He sat in his chair shuffling through papers on his desk, not noticing Scarlett.

"Hi professor"

Dumbledore jumped in his chair at the sound of her voice. He quickly looked around and saw her sitting down babying his pet Fawkes like usual when she was in his office.

"Good afternoon" he greeted in surprise. "Shouldn't you be in class". He didn't know how long she was there and hoped that she didn't look through his desk and see papers about The Order. He planned to talk to her later tonight about making her a member. But he couldn't risk scaring her off. It was a tricky situation.

" yeah but its 'Pinky's " so its fine , plus I burned my book"she added as an after thought , which caused dumbledore to laugh.

It was harder to laugh for him these day especially with the return of voldemort.

"You really need to stop treating that bird like a baby".

"Oh hush, your just jealous she likes me most that you".

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