chapter 18

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"Harry just go , I promise it won't be as bad as you think" Hermione encouraged as they left the great hall.

"Are you KIDDING she's gonna kill him. Did you not see yesterday's prank when she charmed a cow of all things to stick to umbridges desk. I took a crap and everything" Ron laughed , clutching his stomach.

Hermione hit Ron in the stomach with her elbow , making him lose his breath. Harry slowly shuffled away from his friend I fear of being next.

"He does have a point. You make want to apologize at a distance." Hermione relented.

"But I can't just write a letter. It has to be in person ,that's the least she deserves" harry said.

"Then you may get your chance" Ron pointed , watching Scarlett sneak into the DADA classroom. He then patted harry on the back "best of luck mate". Him and Hermione then walked off , leaving harry to face his demon.

Slowly he walked towards the classroom , peaking his head through the doorway to see what she was doing. Scarlett was at the teachers desk with her want in hand whispering an incantation. It was now or never. So he mustered up as much gryffindor courage as possible and walked into the room.

" hi Scarlett , can we talk"

She froze when she heard his voice. What the hell does he want. She swallowed before answering him. "Not a good time potter  I'm at work can't you see I'm busy".

" yeah" harry said quietly. "I just wanted to apologize for what I said. I was wrong and I'm sorry" he admitted while looking at his shoes as if they were the most fascinating things in the world.

Scarlett stopped what she was doing to turn and face him , wand still in hand. Harry still not looking up. She looked at him carefully , he was forgiven nearly three days ago , not that she told him. No she wasn't angry at him but she was also no saint either. No harry would still get pranked but since he apologized she supposed she should go easy on him. She opened and closed her mouth , not knowing what to say until finally settling on " are you just gonna stand there or a ya gonna help me" she said exasperated , pointing to what she was doing on the teachers desk.

Harry perked his head up. Taking her silent forgiveness with a smile. "Depends what it is" he teased. Walking towards her.

"Didn't anybody teach you not to ask stupid questions?".

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