chapter 30

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Scarlett couldn't sleep. It was the night before returning to Hogwarts and although she would never admit it , she was terrified. It would all be different. Everyone would know by now and being in Slytherin would change. She was going to be at war, and nobody could help her.

Her worrying made her veins turn black. Not wanting to have another episode she got up from bed and walked around the room to calm down. Slowly she relaxed. The room was dark and felt unsettling.

Scarlett pushed open her door and crept down the stairs. A light was on in the drawing room ,catching her eye. She poked her head through the door way. Sirius black was standing alone facing his family tree.

Although she would never admit to being scared , he was the only one to know exactly how she was feeling. Being brave had to start now.

"How did you do it?"

The question made Sirius turn around to look at her standing by the door. He took in her appearance. She looked tired , slight bags under her eyes and hair a mess. She looked skinnier and paler since she arrived. The hair was new though. Harry had told him earlier but it was still a shock.

"Go back to Hogwarts after you were disowned" Scarlett explained.

"My friends helped me I suppose" Sirius answered , turning back to face the family tree." They helped me through it. Just have to be brave and do the scary thing first and feel scared later".

"I don't think I can do that" Scarlett sighed , moving to walk beside him." Slytherin is different about all this shit".She hesitated before continuing. "I don't even think I have friends , I piss people off to much".

Sirius looked down at her and chuckled. "Then be the baddest bitch you can be".

Scarlett laughed at his advice. At least he was honest . They looked away from each other and looked at the faces on the tapestry." I always looked up to you you know. You did the one thing I was to coward to do for a long time".

Sirius was surprised at her confession. He never though he would be idolized since he was branded a murderer. "I never kill-"

"I know you didn't" Scarlett interrupted still looking at the tapestry. "Never believed it to begin with".

" Never knew I was your hero" Sirius joked , trying to lighten the mood. "Prison and all".

" oh no" Scarlett mocked , shaking her head before looking at him."Every hero has to have a cool back story ".

" I'm batman"

"Then I'm robin".

" funny I thought you were a bitch "Sirius mused aloud. Earning his a kick in the shin. " harry likes you you know".

Scarlett smirked before shaking her head." No he doesn't "

"Yes. He does. He just won't tell you. Me on the other hand" he shrugged innocently. "I just want to help the boy out".

" So your Cupid now"

Sirius sighed ,pinching the bridge of his nose." I thought I already told you. I'm Batman ".

Scarlett shook her head in disbelief. " since when has harry even liked me. We just started talking this year".

"First year" Sirius blurted out. Looking at her shocked face."when you first pranked Draco ".

"No wonder he keeps stuttering"

"Wait what. Harry stutters"

"All the time"

"Just promise you won't hurt him to badly. I am still his godfather after all". The pair locked eyes. All joking gone from the room. " What's you plan then" he asked crossing his arms.

"I still have my money in gringotts. I'll sort the rest out when school ends. Hopefully find a place and get a job".

" Your money is gon-"

"I moved it to a personal account I made three years ago" she bragged slightly. "This plan has been years in the making".

" clearly "

"Its late. I should go to bed" Scarlett sighed , rubbing her eyes with her hands." Goodnight Sirius ".

" when you get up tomorrow , hold your head up high. Your in the great game now , and the great games terrifying. You walked through hell and it may be hard now but it does get better I swear".


"YOU KIDS BETTER GET UP RIGHT NOW" Molly yelled up the stares the next morning.

Scarlett rolled out of bed and got dressed. She looked at her make up on the bed intensely. It was her war paint and what she did now would influence her return to Hogwarts.  It was her rebirth and she was in full control this time.

  It was her rebirth and she was in full control this time

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hen she was satisfied she walked downstairs with her trunk. Holding her head up high.

"Morning" she greeted as she sat at the table.

"Bloody hell you look scary" Ron stated.

"Thank you"

"Are you looking forward to going back" Hermione asked as she drank her coffee .

"Pinky is going down , I have a book full of new pranking ideas and I officially don't give a shit about the consequences because my parents and I are no longer family."

"So.......good day then" asked Harry.

"Great day" she smiled at him.


Heads turned when she stepped foot on the train. Even more when she sat with the golden trio , smiling the whole time.

"What the prank this time" harry asked as she looked through her bag. "Why do you want to help again".

" you helped with a prank " Ron asked in shock. "When".

" before I fought malfoy. It was my way of accepting his apology ".

" so the prank" Hermione asked.

"Have I ever told you how much I love the idea of talking vegetables".

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