the bad boy and good girl by nmalik16

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book: the bad boy and good girl

author: @nmalik16

gene: romance and teen fiction

This is a very common and popular story line seen on wattpad a lot but thats not wrong, Just make sure its different,new and unique to the rest. Make it stand out. Although this was a short chapters, try and make the chapters long and update more. I think it would be wise hiring an editor, they can get the job done in no time and your work will look much more professional. I didn't find much to criticize, but I hope your story goes far and there's always room for improvement! Grammar  has room to improve a bit though. Make the cover better, attracts more readers and make it more realistic. Thats where you lack a bit but those can be corrected and nipped from the bud. Its not that much of a problem though but its important for  your book in many ways so focus your attention on these. Overall your book has potential, dont give up and work to for it. so hoped this helped.

so go check it out :)

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