Another chance.

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Mmh, these silk sheets are soooo comfortable.
Wait! I didn't spread my silk sheets.

I shot up immediately, and looked down at myself.
These aren't mine.

Definitely. Because they aren't.
What did you think you are, a man?

And everything rushed into my mind.
I rolled my eyes at my subconscious mind. Then looked around, and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets when i saw the time.

9.30 AM


I pulled away the sheets and looked around for my clothes,
I really feel like a hooker after a one night stand.

You could be, why else would you rush out of man's room in the morning looking like a train wreck.

Shut up you.

Make me.

I graoned at myself. My mind will kill me one day.

I grabbed my pants from a chair there, my nose scrunched up at the sight, it was covered with mud all over.
I couldn't wear it....

I chose to put my clothes in a bag to take home, nit forgeting to put my late beloved favourite blouse that that bastard tore when he tried to rape me. I shuddered at that memory.

I got out of the room and went down the stairs, following the aroma of pancakes.


  I stopped dead in my tracks at the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.
   Alessandro De Lucca.
I think he knew i was there at the door, because he turned and his eyes met mine.
I looked away, making the misktake of looking down to be met with his chisel made chest, his pants hanging low on his waist, really showing the v-shape that dissappears in his pants, not leaving much to imagination.

I blushed thinking of alot of things.
He coughed, almost smirking, "you know it's rude to stare."

I rolled my eyes, my face getting hotter. "Ummh, i wanted to say thank you again," i said, bounching from one foot to another. "I'll be leaving now."

He raised his brows as if in confusion, "now?"
I nodded my head, "don't worry, I'll have your clothes brought back to you clean."
Then i turned to leave before he stopped me by holding my hand, "at least have breakfast, then we can talk about you leaving.... It's not like you are a one night stand or anything," he said carelessly.

My eyes widened at his statement. He growled lowly, putting his hands in his hair, ruffling it out of order, "I'm sorry. I always shit when I'm around you. I didn't mean that you were a one night stand or anything...  Dammit, I'm such a dick."

"At least i agree with the last statement.... Those pancakes smell amaizing. I hope they taste as good," i smiled slightly.
He smirked, "Let's eat and see."

He placed a few pancakes on my plate and did the same with his, then poured us mango juice.
We ate in silence at first before he decided to break it, "So Enna huh?"
I shrugged, "so Mason huh?"
He shrugged.
"Enna is the best thing that has ever happened to me," i said then took a sip of the juice.
"I could say the same about Mason," he had a ghost of a smile on his face.
You could see the love of his son on his eyes. It made my heart soar for them both.

Before he could say anything else, "Mommy!" two small voices came from the door.

I stiffened and so did Alex then looked at the kitchen entrance to find two beaming small bodies running with their short legs towards me, before they had my legs caged between their small arms.
I looked at Alex who had his eyes on them with love, them he turned to me, "I may or may not have told Nate what happened yesterday."
I glared at him.
He rolled his eyes and looked back at the kids.
I smiled down at them, i squated to their heights, "how's my prince and princess doing?"
They started attacking my face with kisses and i chuckled before i made my face murderous and looked at them.

Enna backed away, together with Mase. She took his hand and whispered loudly, "it's the tickle monster, RUN!"
And they ran out of the kitchen giggling om their way out, i ran after them, when they ran in different directions, i knew i wouldn't catch them. I turned to the kitchen door to call out to Alex, but i saw him standing therr at the door frame, smiling while looking at me.

I fake glared at him, and joked "stop staring at my ass and help me here."
It came to his sences and his cheeks flushed before he walked to me averting his eyes from me, i told him my plan, he went to the route Enna took and i went to Mason.

"Come out princess, the tickle monster is gone," he tried to trick her.
She scoffed, "you're lying."
My baby is smart.
Then started giggling as her small feet hit the floor, i know he had found her.

I saw Mason hiding behind the sofa, i acted as if i hadn't seen him. "Mason, baby, come out, come out, wherever you are. I'm not gonna hurt you," i said in the sweetest tone.
I heard him giggle, i decided to scare him and did "boo!" over the seat.
He shrieked and started giggling, asking me not to hurt him.
I carried him in my arms and sat on the carpeted floor with him. Then i started my toture.
I put his small hands up and started tickling him in the armpits.
"Aaah, please.....stop," he laughed.
"What did you say?" i asked him, tickling him even more.
I removed my hands from his pits and dragged them down to his stomach. He threw his head back in laughter, tears forming in his eyes.
"Daddy, help me!" he laughed for help at his father who was carrying a laughing Enna.
"No can do, buddy, sorry," he said almost sadly.
I scoffed and continued my assault on him. Alex doing the same with Enna.
I couldn't help but think how we looked like a happy family.
Get your shit together bitch.

I don't know how Mase slipped out of my hands and ran to his father for safety.
I saw the glint in all of their eyes as they looked at me after Alex whispered something in their ears.

They started making slow and steady steps towards me, evil smiles on their faces.
May day! May day!
Mission abort!..
Mission abort!..
We are under attack!..
I repeat, we are under attack!....
Do you copy!
Do you copy!

I saw them stop and look at me with funny faces.
I grew pale, "I said that out loud, didn't i?"
They all burst out into laughter, Mason and Enna rolling on ghe floor. My cheeks flushed and chuckled along with them.
"Who do you think you're laughing at?" i fake angered my voice.
It seems i made the wrong decision because they all turned to me and pounced on me, Mason sitting on my stomach, trying to hold my hands and pusged them back to Enna who gladly held my hands in hers.
Then they all attacked me, Alex included.
I laughed my ass off, i could feel my ribs almost break and they couldn't let me even have a moment to breathe.
"No... Not my pits....  Aaah...  Not my feets, I'll kick you...  Aah hahahahah...  Let me go... You guys I'll pee on myself...." i laughed and they all did too.
"Mommy, you are so violent," Enna giggled.
These guys are wicked.
After asaulting me for i don't know how long they let me go, i decided to just lay on the floor.

Alex chuckled at my appearance and held his hand out to me, i shaked my head vigorously, "no thanks."
He chuckled and sat his weight beside me as the kids went to play in the backyard.

"Thank you!" he said out of the blues.
I looked at him wierdly, "are you thanking me for tickling me? I am on fire."
He smirked, "are you trying to make me know that you're hot?"
I rolled my eyes and smirked, "maybe i had to make you realise that i am."
"Oh, i realised," he said so low i couldn't have heard him.
"It's Mason, I've never seen him this happy as he is around you," he said looking at the wall then he turned his gaze to me.
"What about you?" i asked without thinking.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Before he could answer i stood up, "I'm going to get Enna."
I left him still seated there.
Why would i ask him that question?
What is wrong with me?

He's attractive?!

Hey guys.
Sorry for the late update..
Don't forget to comment and vote!
Love you bitches...

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