My heart on my sleeves.

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      I felt feathery strokes on my cheeks and i opened my eyes ever so slowly, coming eye to eye with soft, worry filled  grey eyes

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      I felt feathery strokes on my cheeks and i opened my eyes ever so slowly, coming eye to eye with soft, worry filled  grey eyes. He smiled slightly, "hey."
I got up and sat comfortably on the bed.
Wait, when did i reach here?
"I carried you. You didn't look too comfortable on the couch," he said, sitting upright on the edge of my bed.
"Thank you," i smiled and rubbed my face effortlessly.
He put his hand where my foot was and squeezed lightly, "how are you feeling? Better i hope?"

I nodded then yawned, not so attractively, "What time is it? Where are the kids?"
He said it was dinner time and the kids were still out in town with Scar and Nathan. "Come on, bear! The food will get cold, or do you wish for me to carry you away, your magesty?" he grinned standing.
I rolled my eyes then got out of bed and followed him down. The smell of lasagna made me drool, i sat at the counter, my fork already in hand, waiting to devour the lasagna Sandro was serving, "smells like heaven in here."
He chuckled and served his own plate too before taking a seat infront of me.
Without any warning, i grabbed my plate from his hand and dug my fork into it, before pushing it into my watering mouth, "mmmmhh," i moaned, my eyes closed, savouring the taste as my buds exploded with joy. "That is what you call an ultimate foodgasm," i signed, looking at Alessandro, he was already looking at me. His cheeks turned a shade pink, so did mine.
  "You're welcome," he smiled, his voice deeper. I took another bite and moaned again.
                I watched as his grey eyes turned a shade darker, he growled sexily, his voice raspy, "you're going to stop doing that unless you want me to take you on this counter right now and have an orgasm that has nothing to do with the lasagna but my cock drilling inside you!"  
      I swallowed hard, feeling hot and flustered, heat rushing to my core almost painfully. I snappped my mouth closed to supress a moan as my mind was filled with images of Alessandro having his way with me on the counter.

Quietly, i atey lasagna, avertingy eyes from Alessandro at all cost. After that comment he didn't say anything either.
I occationally stole glances at him when he was looking at his plate oe anywhere but not at me. He looked relaxed and kind of free.
"Alessandro," i called his name, looking at him. He hummed a response but didn't look at me. "Why did you leave?" i decided to take the bull by its horns and not beat around the bush.
He was quiet for a moment, almost as if he was looking for the best answer to tell me, "what kind of question is that? You know i had to go to college," he bit his lip.
Yup, definitely lying.
That was one of the things Alessandro didn't know i knew about him. Whenever he lied or he was nervous he bit his lip. And he was definitely not nervous.
So he was fucking lying to me.
I tried to supress the urge to tell him i knew how he was a bad liar, i took a deep breath and looked him in the eye, "Why did you leave? The truth this time, please."
"I just told you Gia. I was called to ICE in New York. That's it," he gritted his teeth, throwing daggers my way with his eyes.
I finally snapped and yelled, "bullshit! You were also called to San Diego Culinary School and San Fransisco Culinary School. Not forgeting CASA or Oxnard."
I took a deep breath, and whispered, "you always wanted to go to CASA since i knew you. Then all of a sudden you're off to New York, amd you never came back.What happened Sandro? Talk to me.... Please." He looked away from me as if having a bad memory, pain flashing through his eyes.
Maybe i pushed him too far.
I shouldnt'd have.
It wasn't in my place to demand any explanation from him.

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