Picture perfect.

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"Aargh...  My head is killing me," I groaned, fluttering my eyes open slightly. I heard the door open and i quickly closed my eyes again. Sounds like Deja Vu, except the fact that i was alone in bed, with a head bursting headache.
I felt fingers brush through the outline of my face, i kept my eyes closed to relish the moment. A kiss was placed on my head and that is when i decided to 'wake up'.
"Hey," Alessandro in all his glory said huskily.
"Hey," i croaked and tried to sit upright.
I winced at the pain in my head and clutched my head in my hands.
He quickly placed his hands on my face, "You okay?"
I looked him in the eye, his eyes laced with worry. I smiled alittle, "just a killer headache."
He handed me some Advil pills and a glass of water, "this will help with the headache." Then sat at the edge of the bed waiting for me to take them.
He then took the glass away and put it on the stand. He asked if i was okay again and i said that i was. He also said that the kids had refused to go to sleep until they saw me and made sure i was fine.
"What time is it?" i asked, my eyes looking out the window.
He took out his phone, "a little past ten."
"AM," i said.
"PM," he said.
"I've been knocked out for.... "
"Around twelve hours, if I'm not wrong," he said.
"Well that's a first," i muttered to myself. I mean, the time i was still with Kevin, i was knocked out cold for three days minimum. And the worst was when i had to be hospitalised after i never woke up for a week.
He made something up to cover his abuse tracks.
"What do you mean by that?" Alessandro pulled me out of my nightmare rather.
"What?" i asked.
"What do you mean by what you've said?" he asked again.
Fuck!  I said that out loud.
"Yes, you did" he said, his eyes boring into mine as if searching for answers, "well?"
"I.... Ummh.. I... " i stammered porpusely, what am i supposed to tell him? I can't tell him the truth. I'll have to make up something.
But what!?

God answered my prayers as we heard footsteps approaching.
I smiled slightly turning to the slightly open door, watching the little shadows on the floor. "Shh..you don't want to wake up mommy," Enna whisper yelled at Mason,who was walking clumsily and loudly as they tried to tiptoe.
"Sorry!" he whispered back.
I chuckled, "they don't know how to whisper."
Alessandro grinned, "let's bust them."
I nodded and went along with him to see what he was up to.
He went on his fours and started crawling around, his eyes glinting with mischief.
"What the fuck are you doing?" i whispered at him, trying not to laugh loudly.
He glared at me, "shut up and lay back, with your front facing the door, pretend you were asleep."
I nodded and did as he instructed, rolling my eyes, might i add.
He quietly and gracefull-Not crawled to the door. He stood up,  put his no nonsense face and opened the door fast. He sort of glared at the kids who looked like deers caught in the headlights.
"What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" he interrogated them.
They looked down and murmured sorry. Turning their adorable faces, they looked at me and i locked my eyes with both of them instantly. Their dull eyes lit up and they ran towards me and jumped on the bed, "mommy, you're okay."
They kissed me all over my face and we giggled together as i hugged them.
We all turned to Sandro who had his phone out. "Don't look at me, you're the cute ones," he shrugged.
"I'm not cute. Cute is for girls," Mason glared at his father.
"Mason, you're my cute little boy, yeah?!" i asked him, snuggling my face in his neck.
"Okay," he grumbled and smiled at me.
We giggled again together with Enna.

"Now all of you look at the camera and smile," Alessandro ordered.
We glared at him for ruining our giggling moment. He rolled his eyes.
He ordered us to smile again but we all glared at him.
"Babies, say cheeeeese!" i squeeled, giving a challenging brow to Alessandro.
"Cheeeeeeeeese!" we all grinned looking at the camera. He took a picture, "Perfect."
"Now say tomatoooo!" he said excitedly, putting his phone on our faces for a selfie with him.
We all gave him 'the look', like what the hell.
I shaked my head.
Mase shaked his head.
Enna shaked her head.
We all shaked our heads.
"Guys say Ice creeeaaaaaaam!" i grinned looking at the camera, holding the two babies who had their heads laying on my chest.
"Ice creeeaaaaaaam!" we all grinned.
"Perfect," i heard Sandro mutter under his breath.
"Let's see. Let's see," they chimed for him to show the pictures.
Accidentally, Mason jumped on my legs. I winced in discomfort and alittle pain. His eyes widened and he jumped right off.
"Mason!" Alessandro's voice boomed and erased the happy mood.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry mommy. I'm so sorry," Mason begged, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
I grabbed him and pulled him on my lap, "it's okay buddy. It's no big deal. I'm fine okay?"
He shaked his head, "i hurt you. I'm sorry mommy."
Enna pulled herself tp join us and hugged him, "don't cry Mason, mommy is fine. Mommy is not angry."
"You're not angry mommy?" he looked at me, his eyes making me want to cry with him.
I shaked my head and kissed his beautiful eyes, "no I'm not angry. But, to make you feel better, you can kiss it better."
"I would volunteer," Sandro grinned at me. I rolled my eyes and snuck my tongue out at him.
The kids giggled and i was happy, the mood was lighter.
"Now, where are those pictures!"
We turned to Sandro who looked like he was in another world.
He sat next to me and showed us his phone, the pictures were looking amaizing. There was one i really liked, the kids were looking at the camera obviously, my eyes looked like they were looking at Sandro through the screen and that was the same case with him. And every one had a smile on their faces. Genuine smiles.
Picture perfect.
Going back from the photos, i noticed that Sandro had changed his screen wallpaper to the picture we took screaming cheese.


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