Bonus Chapter 2.

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Sitting back on my favourite love seat, after drowning myself in liquor i was slapped by a folder placed on my bed

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Sitting back on my favourite love seat, after drowning myself in liquor i was slapped by a folder placed on my bed.
I looked through it.
Divorce papers.
What the hell?

I called Mark our lawyer, but he never picked up. I walk ran downstairs to my mini bar and grabbed another glass of whiskey.
With all my frustration and anger, i threw the glass on the wall.

How could you do this to me Serah?
How could you?
How could you?

I sank down on the floor with my head on my hands.
My phone rang and rang until i answered it, "What!"
"Where are you?" my brother asked.
"What d-do you w-want?" i slurred.
"Are you drunk?" he asked, raising his voice.
I ended the call and grabbed my hair and pulled.

A bang on my front door brought me back. Staggering, i walked to the front door and opened it.
"What is this I'm seeing on TV? Wait.. Are you drunk?!" he barged into my house.
"I'm not drunk. I just had acouple of shots," i tried to act sober.
I sat on the sofa with another glass of whiskey. Even before i thought of pouring it in my mouth, Nate already had the glass in his grasp, "you've had enough."
He downed the whole drink before trying to get me to tell him what happened. Which i did.
"That fucker!" he shouted at no one in particular.
"And she wants a divorce," i stated, my eyes focusing on the wall behind him. "What?!" he almost shouted.
"What about Mase?" he got angry.
He was Mason's favourite uncle. Scratch that, only uncle. Well, if you don't count my boys, now it's down to one. Plus my assistant. Which goes back to two.. Argh.
"I won't let her take my son away from me... Even if she is his mother," i glared at the wall.
I would move heaven and earth. And the whole of New York to have full custody of my son.
"Have you talked to Mark?" he asked.
I shaked my head, no, "he isn't answering. Straight to voicemail."
We sat there in silence before he got a call, who calls him in the middle of the night?
"Hey.... Gia, what is it? Is everything okay?... Thank God Scarlet is with you. I'll see you as soon as i come back tomorrow." he hang up after a while.
My heart started racing involuntary when i heard the name i really tried hard to push in the back of my mind, Gianna Valdez.
"Don't give me that look," Nate rolled his eyes.
"What look?" i rose a brow.
He rolled his eyes and shrugged.
We sat in silence again before i asked, "How is Mase?"
He smiled slightly, "he's doing great. He misses you though."
"With how things are, i may come down sooner than i thought," i said.
After another moment of silence i asked him the question that was bugging me since his phone call, "How is Gia?"
"Hah! Was tottaly waiting for that!" he said smugly.
I rolled my eyes, "well?"
"She's doing great. I bet you miss her cupcakes. Nothing here matches hers," he smirked.
I wanted to roll my eyes but simply shrugged.
"You know if it wasn't for your stupid ass, she's still be where she was when you left," he said as a matter of fact.
"What do you mean by that?" i faced him again.
"You were her drive to prove you wrong. All the time," he smiled.
I looked back to the last encounter i had with her.

"Haven't you done enough?" she gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring daggers at me.
I simply shaked his head, "No. I don't think so."

"Please just leave," she said silently, but loud enough for me to hear. But i couldn't leave just yet. I wanted to spend some more time to argue with her. I will sirely miss this in New York. So i just shrugged my shoulders and made myself comfortable in one of the seats in her small cafe.
I saw her walk back to the counter, but i wasn't done, at least not yet,
"I'll have coffee. Black, two sugars."
"Just get out of my shop.... You know what... I'm going to get you that coffee," she gritted her teeth, i was afraid her jaw would snap, and went inside the kitchen, she actually did one thing i asked of her for once.
I was stunned.
Not more than five minutes later she was back with my coffee in her small hands. She had this look on her face, trying to put the look in my mind, i was burning with hot liquid. She fucking poured the coffee on my chest. I quickly stood up glaring at her, getting the coat off, "What the fuck is wrong with you woman?"
"I am perfectly fine, thanks for asking. You are the one with the fucking problem. Why do you always want to ruin everything single thing i do. First it was stealing my workers from my caffe and now this! What have i ever done to you?" her eyes were beyond angry. I swear if she was a cartoom, she'd have steam go out of her ears. I noticed her eyes almost glassy, she was about to cry. And it was all my fault.
So this is what happened, i sort of made it look that her pastries made people sick, it was a dick move, but i had to do it. So some of my friends and i had it all planned, some of them exaggerating the whole vomiting the cakes and shit. And it hurt me every single second.
And there's a friend of mine who couldn't take no for an answer when she declined sleeping with him. So he was angry. So he had paid some of her help in the cafe to quit.
But she would blame me definitely. I mean, why not. I am ashamed.

"Gia I.... "i started but she raised her hand cut me off.
"Don't call me that. Only friends and family can call me that. And we.....are not friends. You've made that pretty clear," she pushed back the tears.
She stalked towards the door and opened it wide, "it was nice to see you. Safe trip to New York."
With my head low, i walked out, ashamed of myself and stood by the door, facing her. I wanted to apologise but she couldn't have it. She banged the door closed and turned the sign to 'CLOSED.'


"Can we talk for a sec?" i asked her. She snubed me and continued talking to some chic from her agency. I signed and shaked the envelope in my hands, "i signed the divorce papers."
She stood up and signalled me to follow her to a quiet hallway.
"I'm sorry," she said, but it was definitely forced.
"You should have called, not get lawyers involved," i tried to keep my composure.
"We are over," she rolled her eyes and tried to walk away but i held her back, "no."
"I don't love you anymore," she said and put her fake thinking face, "i don't think i actually ever did. Love you, i mean. I think i was just in love with the idea of you."
With every word, she pierced my heart.
I swallowed hard, "now we're equals and you're not bikini babe number five."
She rolled her eyes again, and whispered, "I'm sorry, it's nothing personal." then walked past me.
I was angry, i slapped the envelope in my hand, "this makes it fucking personal. I am the one building the restaurant in San Francisco, and now you want it?"
She looked me in the eye, and smiled evily, "it's a joint asset, even Mark thinks so."
I looked at her in confusion, "Mark, our lawyer?"
She shaked her head no, "he is now my lawyer."
I couldn't beleive this, "how fast can you jump from an apology to business?" i looked at her, not really beleiving what i see, "how long have you been planning this?"
She smiled sweetly at me, "And i am taking full custody of Mason."
I glared at her, "i won't let that happen. Never in a milliom years."
She fake pouted, "but babe, don't you remember you have anger issues. I mean the judge also knows that."
I gritted my teeth and smirked smugly, "but i am not the one always in and out of the mental health hospital and rehab am i?"
Her face turned hard, "don't you even think about it!"
"But babe, it's nothing personal," i repeated her words before walking away, calling the one person i know who would help me, "Jake, i need to see you. Now!"

"This is what you're going to do. You're going to get your pretty boy ass packed to San Francisco and get the job done there on the restaurant. And you are going to keep your dick clean and spend time with your son," he ordered.
I took a sip from my drink, "remind me why i hired you again?"
He smirked, "because i am the best mother fucking divorce lawyer in the state. And you want to keep your son and your restaurant and any other assets that you want."
I nodded, "fair enough. But all i want is the restaurant and my son. She can keep the rest."
He nodded, "then you have to agree with my terms, No sex. No women. No relationships."
I shrugged, "agreed."

Little did i know.

Hey guys.. How y'all.....
Sorry for the late update..
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