Taken by suprise.

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    I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night

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    I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.  Images of that nightmare flooded my mind. Not forgeting Alessandros face,  his eyes,  the hurt that was reflected in his eyes.
I need time.
I just need time.
I'll go back to Cali for a few days, a few days to clear my head.

I headed towards my wardrobe and took the lighter clothes and headed back to the room. Scarlett was seated on the edge of the bed. She looked into my eyes and gave me a sad smile,"hey."
I threw my clothes on the bed and took a bee line towards her and engulfed her in my arms, "I'm so scared, Scar."
"Oh honey, i know," she whispered, squeezing me tight.
I pulled away and wiped the stray tear then went to fold my clothes. "What are you doing?" she said,  eyeing my clothes suspiciously.  "Folding them," i rolled my eyes. She rolled her eyes and asked why i was doing what i was doing.
"I need time Scar. A few days and I'll be back," i told her putting the clothes in a duffle bag.
"Honey i don't think... "
"Just a few days," i said in the tone that always says my desicion is final, no room for negotiations.
She signed and left, "see you at breakfast then."
I took a quick shower and changed into a long grey sweater and black tight leggings and a pair of sneakers.
I thanked God and took a deep breath because i didn't have to see Sandro in the bathroom. I made sure to lock both doors first before getting into the shower. I fixed my curls in a pony tail and looked at myself in the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes were visible. My lips were bluish and so were my fingers.
I signed and walked out with my bag on my shoulders. Suddenly,  i grabbed the grills on the stairs when i felt dizzy. I closed my eyes tight and sat on the stairs for a moment to regain my step.

"Morning!" i avoided the harsh glare that was posted on Nathan's face. He grunted and ignored me. And at that time, Alessandro walked in the kitchen, he seemed to assume i wasn't even present in the room.
"Why are you leaving?" Nathan asked me, glaring hard.
I looked away, "i have to."
"You're leaving?" Alessandro snapped his head towards me in a flash. He saw the bag by my side and looked back at me, "Why?"
"You won't understand," i told him.
"Why are you running away? Why are you always pushing me away?" he asked, you could see the hurt in his voice and hear it in his voice.
"I....  It's not....  Its complicated," i finally stood. "Tell Abby I'll be back before she knows it. And tell my babies ill see them later."
"Is this about the kiss? Because i swear you loved it as much as i did," he said frustrated, his hand running through his hair.
I didn't even look at the audience watching us when they heard about the kiss.
"It's not about the kiss.... Its just.... It's complicated," i breathed out.
And he asked the question i was hoping not to answer, "is it about the nightmares you've been having?"
I stood still before looking away, biting my lip, i said, "it's not."
"You're lying to me. You're fucking lying to me. What does your nightmare have to do with me? With us?" he shouted.
"I can't do this right now," i started walking away from him when i heard him say, "Can't or won't?"
"Sandro... I... " i was cut off by Scar telling me that the car was here. 
Through my eyes she knew how thankful i was for cutting this conversation short.
I gave one lingering look on Alessandro and my eyes said what i felt inside, i was sure i loved him. I just couldn't say it yet. Not now.
"Goodbye Alessandro," i walked away from him.
The car i rented arrived and i was out of the house.

On the ride through the forested road,  i was humming to a few Christmas songs playing on the stereo.
The song was cut short and there was a news reporter live saying that the roads would not be passable around the mountain areas in Colorado because of the bad weather ans that there was a storm most probably coming and ot would not be good. And for people to stay in their houses and cabins and nit move out until further notice. And for sure the clouds were dark with unshed rain.

My phone buzzed and i plugged it in. There was a voice mail from an unknown number.
"Hey baby. I miss you, so much Anna," the voice boomed. My blood ran cold and every fiber of my body became numb.
It can't be...
But its his voice....
Only he called me Anna.
How did he find me?
He must know I'm in Aspen!
Oh my God.

I snapped out of the shock and fumbled with the screen of my phone.
"Call Scar! Speaker" i mumble loudly through the phone as i continued to drive and type.
The phone rang first, twice before she answered. Before she even said a word, i started tell her that i needed her to look after Enna and make sure nothing happens to her before i come back.
"Gia!  Gia!  Slow down, what is going on?!" she screamed through the phone.
"It's Kevin! He... " i screamed when i saw a bloody deer look alike head in the middle of the road and images of the nightmare i had flashed back in my head. And thunder clapped loudly.
Is this a sign?
I lost control of the steering wheel and the car stared going in circles. "Aaaah!" i screamed,  the car hitting a tree infront of me forcefully.
"Gia! Gia! Are you there?" i heard her voice from afar.
Feeling uncomfortable i groaned, "Ennnna!"
I saw black dots around me as i groaned before everything went quiet and black.

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