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    Hurry the fuck up Gia, we are going to be late," Alessandro groaned.
I huffed back, "tell that to Raphael, he doesn't want to get dressed."
I sternly put Raphael on my lap and dressed him in a cute black dress shirt like his daddys even as he huffed and started crying. I was tired of his shit.
He didn't like to wear clothes. Crying every single time he sees you get out clothes for him after his bath.

    It has been a week since we made up. A week full of amazing sex with big d Sandro!  Hahah. 
    Don't mind that please.
I meant to say a week if happiness and joy among all of us, although Sandro has been working a lot. And today we were going to his friends place for dinner for the third evening in a row.
Jacob Miller.
Finally we were done and so was everyone else. We headed out in two cars. Enna and Mason decided to go with their uncle and aunt. Leaving Sandro and i with baby Raphy.
I put him in the back seat and put his seatbelt on before climbing back to the front.

Ding dong!
Ding dong!
Ding dong!
Ding dong!
I slapped Sandros hand away from the doorbell, glaring at him, "what are you four?"
He shrugged and stretched his hand to ring it again and i glared at him hard, he put his hand back. The door opened and an oddly familiar face popped up on the now opened door.
"Alex! My man!" his face broke into a grin, matching Alessandros.
Thats definitely the best friend.
They did a funny handshake they used to do back in highschool. He pushed the door open and let us in. I smiled politely and said a thank you.
"Mase! Enna! My sweet little niece and nephew!" he grinned, leaning down.
"Uncle Jake," Mason grinned back and hugged him, together with Enna.
He hugged Nathan and closed the door, walking us to the living room.
Alessandro was already seated with his legs up on the couch.
Of course Sandro was comfortable here!
I slapped his legs down like i would the kids and glared, "behave!"
He rolled his eyes and put them down.
    "Amber!" i grinned and hugged her. She was Jake's wife. We had actually met twice before at a mall and we became instant friends. She was fun. My type of fun.
"Gianna! How are you?" she matched my grin and carried Raph out of my hands. "Oh thie little man is getting heavier everyday," she joked.
"I know what you mean," we laughed.
She gave Raphael to Sandro and us ladies headed to the kitchen. Scar sat on the counter, a glass of wine in her hand already. She wastes no time.
I just shaked my head, "what are we making?"
"Pasta, of course! With the sauce Jacobs mother gave us," we all rolled our eyes on the last statement.

"Gianna, I'm still amazed at how beautiful you still look. Maybe that's why this fucker is still smitten since high school," Jake joked.
We laughed, Sandro glaring at him, his ears red, "don't curse with thr kids present."
We still laughed and the kids giggled looking at their father.
"I remember this time, he was so jelous you were spending time with Nate, he got in Math club to get your attention and couldn't last three days," he added.
  "Hey! Thie is not embarass Alessandro night. Unless you'd rather Amber know about your highschool and college moments. Remember that one time.... " Jake kicked him under the table, glaring playfully. "Okay. that's it for tonight."
  We laughed and had other stories as we ate.


Alessandro turned around and kissed me on the forehead, "Good morning!"  His deep, rough morning voice making me wet and i knew i couldn't have dick at the moment with how sore i was. I swallowed and croaked back, "good morning."
I looked as he fluttered his eyes open, his gorgeous grey eyes. I leaned in to kiss him. The moment our lips touched, he withdrew back as if i had burnt him. 
What is going on?
I leaned in again amd he sort of pushed me away lightly before getting up and out of bed, closing the door after he entered the bathroom.
What the fuck is going on?
After that he didn't even look at me when he got out, looking like a whole snack in a towel around his waist, "There's a party tommoror at the restaurant, dress nice." Then he just dressed and headed out.

I sat there dazed, after a long while, i went over to the kids room and found them asleep. Raph in his crib and the rest on their beds. I kissed them all on the forehead before going to make breakfast.
"Yoh! Bitch!" Scar shouted walking in the kitchen. "You've heard about the party tomorrow. We have to get new dresses. Like today."
   And i just got a call. It was Amber, "Heey!" I answered. "Yes he told me... Yeah, of course. See you in abit."
Scar squeeled knowing it was Amber, they both loved shopping.
  We ate quickly and got ready.  "Nina! I don't care what time it will be. Anything happens to my babies. Call me!" i told the house keeper.
She smiled, "Yes ma'am Giana."

"Try this one!" Scar amd Amber shared a look of approval before handing me the tenth dress i was trying out. They had already gotten their dresses.
I looked at myself in the mirror, i looked amazing.  The black dress was long, sweeping the ground i walked on. With a long deep V neck reaching my upper waist. And a long cut reaching my upper thigh. Not forgeting bare back. And it was tight around my ass.
    I walked out and their eyes sparkled, "this is the dress."
"Definitely the dress. Alex is going to die when he sees you." Amber winked.
We shopped for a whole while then finally went to sit down at some food court. Raphael was with me this time, thank goodness he was fast asleep most of the time, not crying.
We ordered burgers and smoothies.
  "I don't know you guys. I feel like he's hiding something from me. Do you think he could be cheating on me?" i said.
  They shared a look before looking back at me, "don't be ridiculous. He loves you. Everyone knows that. Even the kids can see that. Just give him time."
I was so frustrated, i signed, "you guys don't understand. He refused to kiss me. He never refuses to kiss me. Something is up. I know it."
They encouraged me and shit, saying not to put much thought into it. He will come around. He's just been stressed with work. And the building in California for the restaurant that was to be done earlier but came to a halt after everything that happened with me.
"He loves you. Never doubt that."


I was just putting on my shoes when the doorbell rang. "Nina, can you get that?" i called.
I finished with my make up and straightened my dress, gown rather.
Sandro is going to die, seeing me in this dress.


Hey babe, sorry i can't make it to get you at the party. Something came up. I sent a driver for you. See you later at the party.

No 'i love you'. No 'i miss you'. No nothing. Even the little heart emoji.

I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs

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I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. My head was spinning with confusion, "How can i help you officers?"
The two men stood and looked at me with grim faces, "Gianna Valdez?"
I nodded, "that would be me."
He handed me a letter, ARREST WARRANT.
"You have to come with us. You have been accused of being the main suspect in the theft of valuable assets in the country."
What the fuck?
"I-I don't understand," i said.
The first guy removed handcuffs and walked towards me. "I would tell you to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in the court."
   "No shit!" i exclaimed as they led me away.  This has to be some mistake. I can't go to jail. Im fucking innocent for whatever shit they accusing me of.

Hey y'all.
Don't forget to vote.
I love you.
The next chapter coming in afew hours... 
Lets see what happens to Gianna

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