You could always tell them the truth

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(Ryan Tedder- you don't care)

We walked from the restaurant laughing

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We walked from the restaurant laughing.
"I wish you could have seen your face. You looked hilarious," Alex laughed.
I glared at him, flushing with embarrassment, "that was because you wanted to steal my food."
He laughed again and this time I joined him. "Thank you for the lovely dinner," i smiled at him as he walked with me. He shrugged and grinned back, "i am the one who should be thanking you for accompanying me and tolerating my boring self."
I shaked my head, chuckling alittle. Stopping near the Uber he ordered for me, he hugged me and i closed my eyes to savour the moment and his warmth.
He pulled back eventually and kissed my forehead, "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"You know where to find me," i grinned and kissed his cheek. "Good night."
As the car came closer to my place, i could feel my heart beating faster in my chest, what if he's still sticking around?
What if he's still at the house?
I'll just ignore him...
That's exactly what I'm going to do.
I'm going to ignore that bitch.

Quietly, i opened the door and softly stepped on the marble floor after removing my shoes to not make noise. Peeping through the wall, i didn't see anyone in the living room and i kind of signed. Thank God.
I placed my shoes at the base of the stairs and removed my coat placing it at the head of the chair.

"Mommy!" Enna screamed, running with her small legs towards me. Her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.
I crouched down and hugged her, i kissed her face all over, "i missed you, monkey."
She giggled "i missed you too mommy." Then she glared at me, "I'm not monkey."
I laughed, "if you continue to eat alot of bananas you'll become a monkey, baby."
She looked scared and screamed, "no mommy. I don't like bananas. I hate bananas."
I laughed and put her on my waist, and walked towards the kitchen, "Did you play with Mason?"
She nodded her head and grinned, "yes mommy. Daddy Alex took him home after dinner."I nodded and placed her on the chair.
Scar came in sight, she immediately turned and walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug.
"Thank you for the hug?" i asked.
Enna looked at us and giggled.
We ordered her to go and change into her pjs and i was coming to tuck her into bed.
"Why didn't you come with Enna to work?" i asked her. I hadn't seen them all day and i had told her to come to work.
She shuffled around almost nervously, "well... I was spending the day with my boyfriend. And Enna had a day out with Mase and ummmh... Alessandro?"
I knew that look she was giving me, she was just waiting for me to blow up but i didn't.
"It's okay, it's okay for her to spend time with him. Them. But what i would only like her to stop calling him 'daddy Alex' and there's no way he is going to be her father. And for Mason to stop calling me 'mommy', no matter how much my heart soars whenever he calls me that. I can never be. And it kind of hurts. But it doesn't matter. You heard him yesterday," i blinked away the tears threatening to spill.
Before i knew it, Scarlet had me in her arms, caging me with her body, "it's okay, Gia.. He was a jerk.... I'm sorry."
I removed my body from hers and went to my room to change into more comfortable clothes.

With a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows, i sat near the fire playing some soft music as i sketched on my drawing book.
As the song played through my phone, enveloping me in the sad moment, the front door flung open and banged on the wall adjacent to it.
The cold wind rushed in and slapped me in the face, mixed with the strong manly cologne that had would have weakened my knees to the ground if i was standing.
I ignored the heavy footsteps of the man that now stood afew meters away from the beanie bag that i was seated on. I also ignored his heated stare on the back of my head. I hummed to the current song as i sharpened my scetch, knowing full well he didn't know what i was doing. No one ever saw them. No one.
"Where the fuck were you?" he gritted his teeth.
I ignored him. Again. Closed my book and put the pencil on my hair. I bent down, pulled my cup and took a sip. I spared him one glance and unfortunately our eyes met, "where the fuck were you Gianna? We were fucking worried. What would we tell Enna if something happened to you? Or Mason!"
He lifted his hand and run it in his hair, giving me a slight peak at his very tan v line, he always did that when he was nervous, restless or angry.  And he certainly wasn't nervous nor restless, but angry.
I got up and held my cup to my chest to atleast keep my heart warm enough, with one of my arms wrapped around my body, "Why do you act like you care? It's not like there's something going on between us for you to act like that. So relax."
I walked away from him to the kitchen to refill my cup with hot chocolate.
He chuckled bitterly, and with a stupid smirk on his stupid face he followed me, "That's what you're angry about, isn't it? That's what you're angry about."
I gave him a deadpan look, taking a sip from my chocolate, "I'm not the one who is angry, De Lucca."
Immediately his face changed emotionless, his eyes cold, "where were you?"
"I went out," i shrugged, walking back to my comfortable seat next to the fire.
"Why?" he asked me.
I looked at him like he had grown two heads, "what do you mean why? I can go out."
"Who were you with?" he gritted his teeth.
"Someone," i sat comfortably.
"You were with a guy?" he gryhis teeth, again.
"Why does it matter if i was, who are you? My father? My husband?  Oh yeah, that's right, you're already someone else's husband," i raised a brow, chuckling bitterly.
"Why did you stay out late? I'm sure you don't even know this guy. What if something happened to you? What would i tell Enna or anyone else for that matter."
I shrugged, "you could always tell them the truth."
He held my eyes, his swirling with confusion at my statement, "what?"
"That you don't care," i said and got up from my seat and headed for the stairs leaving behind the cup of hot chocolate.
"You can show yourself out, Mr. De Lucca," i said with the strength i had left in me not to cry. This man has a tendency of making me cry, ever since kindergarten. 

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Hey cupcake lovers....
Thank you for reading this far...
I am truly sorry for this late update...  I've had CATs these past few days. I've been really busy.
I hope y'all will love this chapter.
Don't forget...

I love y'all.

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