Chapter Twenty

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do youuuuuu like it


By the time the lunch bell rang, I had no lunch to eat. Alessia's lunch and history work had been drowned at break time.

I wandered through the field uselessly, stopping at a random tree and slumping down. I didn't need a computer to re-do Alessia's history work, just immense inspiration; something I was just about out of. After Alessia's possessions took a bath, I decided to take my control back, shoving the girls away, grabbing what I could and getting the hell out of those toilets.

I kept finding Alessia incredibly useless. But once I had taken a breath and calmed down, I realised that she wasn't useless and just asking for what she got—she was indescribably terrified. It was just one look, one look from someone she didn't even know and she froze. I guess that's what happens when you're abused at home and bullied at school. And even if I hate being here, I've only been here for five days.

Alessia's had to deal with this for 16 years, and I'm stumped at five days.

I sighed and began Alessia's history work, finding a packet of crisps in Alessia's bag to snack on whilst I completed it.

I watched as the boys did cross-country across the field—something I used to do with Kiara in Year Nine. The girls and boys had their own separate sports at lunchtimes apart from on Fridays, which was when the sporty people could choose which sport they wanted to do altogether. It was usually netball or tennis.

I watched as Dylan ran past with a small smile on my face. Alessia was exaggerating my emotions, but I really was glad to see him. It also gave me nostalgia; back to Year Nine when Kiara and I would point out the hottest guy. Kiara always said that I should point out Dylan, but I didn't want to since he was my best friend. It was weird.

Alessia, however, didn't think it was. Then again, she wasn't best friends with Dylan.

I shoved her out of her own mind when she got too distracted, completing her history work before she wasted any more of my time.

"Hey," someone said after a bag landed beside me.

I looked up to see Lucas joining me.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," he said, smiling down at me as he sat down beside me.

I grinned over at him, "No, I just–" I paused, "well, actually, you are," I told him, gesturing to Alessia's history homework.

Lucas nodded, seeming curious, "I didn't know you chose History." He said, pulling out lunch he did not find in school.

"Wow," I said, my eyes widening, "you're eating contraband for lunch." I retorted, pursing my lips.

He laughed, "My brother is in the sixth form; he brought me back some." I nodded, before returning to my work once more.

"Where's your lunch?" He asked, opening a bottle of sprite.

I sighed, "Running along the drain pipes by now, I'd assume."

Lucas took a while to respond. "I've seen a few people picking on you, but I didn't know it was that bad."

I shrugged, "Neither did I." I murmured, crossing out something that I had gotten wrong whilst being distracted.

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