Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Where were you at the time of the vandalism?" She asked.

I blanched. "And what time would that be?" I asked, trying to throw them off my fear.

She looked down at her notes, but it was the man that spoke, "Quarter past nine," he informed me.

I swallowed. What were you doing, Olivia? Well, I was doing nothing but unpacking my books for my first lesson of the day. But Alessia? She was not doing that.

I cleared my throat, "I was probably running down to the library; I had left some work down there and needed to collect it for my first lesson."

Score. That would leave no room for an alibi, but then it would leave no room for them to check the attendance, or to ask a teacher if I was in the lesson. I was simply 'probably' running down some stairs.

"Did anyone see you?" The woman asked, "Another student? Or the librarian?"

I shrugged casually, "I was in a rush, I don't remember," I told her simply.

"We've looked at your attendance for that day," the man said, "you weren't present for lesson one, but you were for lesson two and onwards. Can you explain this?"

I sighed, looking away. Damnit, Alessia. For god's sake–

"I skipped," I lied, "I realised I was seriously, seriously behind. I hadn't done three pieces of homework, and I had missed many lessons. I took the lesson off, without the teacher's permission, to catch up."

I allowed the indecency of one action to cover up the truth. The Headteacher didn't look best pleased by my bunking, but it did cover up an even bigger problem. One he'd be less pleased about. 

"And where did you go during this time?" The man asked.

I thought quickly, "The field," I told him, "I didn't want anyone to catch me."

It seemed to be making sense to them; I wasn't receiving any kind of suspicious glances, though I wasn't receiving much of anything. The police officers were keeping neutral faces—my only indication would come from the Headteacher. Though, I still took it as a score.

"Since you were walking around the halls at this time, did you happen to see any suspicious activity?" The woman asked, "Especially around your registration class?"

I shook my head, "As I said, I went to the library, and then I went to the field. I wouldn't have had any reason to go back up to my registration class—not until I needed my folder for period four, which is when I realised it was blocked off." I explained.

Everything was quiet for a bit, and I sat anxiously, my thigh shaking as I bounced my leg up and down. The man read over his notepad carefully, before nodding to the woman.

"That's all, Miss Trent, thank you for your time."

I froze. That's it? I did it? Or, did I? This may have been the last nail in my coffin or—the first; they might start building a case on me right now.

"You're free to leave, Alessia."

The voice startled me. It had come from the Headteacher, and I glanced up at him to see him smiling down at him.

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