Chapter Forty-Four

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Eternity was only desired when you were in an oblivious bliss, which is what Alessia Trent was tangled up in.

Whilst she danced with Dylan, I was left trapped in Matt's arms. I was glad that Alessia could find joy in the same way that I often could—through Dylan, though I was not glad to be wrapped in a predator's embrace.

But Alessia didn't know this, and she didn't want to as she melted into Dylan's wondrous hazel eyes. Dylan held onto her tightly, guiding her through the dance and pulling her away from people that tripped into her. She felt safe—as I often did with Dylan.

"You look nice," Dylan said, making Alessia flush.

"Just 'nice'?" She asked, watching Dylan laugh. She couldn't help but wonder if Dylan had paid me a better compliment, and she was right. And he didn't just do it once, he showered me with differing compliments all night.

"Well," Alessia said, admiring Dylan in a suit, "you look nice, too." It was now Dylan's time to flush. He averted her eyes, feeling awkward in his humble and modest way. He was used to dishing out the compliments, but not getting them back.

When the song changed, it was to yet another slow song, and Alessia felt her heart rejoice. She really liked Dylan, and she felt like she'd combust if she didn't tell him soon. Yet, she didn't want to. Alessia didn't feel confident enough that Dylan would like her back, not when she knew that his heart belonged to Olivia.

As Dylan spoke, Alessia felt her eyes giving her away; they were entranced, focusing on his eyes and lips. Alessia thought that maybe Dylan knew by now how she felt, especially as they had shared more than just one kiss. And–oh–they were good kisses. Alessia could almost remember how Dylan's lips felt on hers, and probably would have if she wasn't shoved to the side moments later.

Dylan was being greeted by many people at that moment, and when the dance started to shift slightly, Alessia watched as Olivia fell back into his arms once more.

Dylan's eyes filled with love if that were at all possible, and his face brightened. Alessia felt her heart break. She thought that Dylan didn't care about her, and didn't even wait to see that he actually did as his eyes began to glance around the room, desperately looking for something. He was looking for her. But the tears were already spilling; she didn't have enough time to realise this.

She was now being stared at by a nearby table of people who had settled to eat. They shared whispers as they looked at her, and Alessia found herself biting the insides of her cheeks so that the tears wouldn't spill.

As Alessia rushed to the door, hoping for some fresh air, I realised, like most things, Alessia's Prom experience was in no way akin to mine. Despite the minor glitch, in which Matt promised to find me in my bed that night, my Prom night was spectacular. It was a night full of friends, memories, smiles and maybe even tears. But not the sad kind. Not this kind.

Alessia pushed open the clear door, stepping out into the warm evening of July the twelfth. She looked up to the sky, seeing swirling shades of pink and orange. The sunset was probably the only thing she'd want to remember from this night. It shimmered in the glance of her teary eyes, but it would still be something that she hoped would be engrained on her broken mind.

She took deep breaths, trying to mend herself before she would go back into the hall again. Just when she felt her tears dry up and hope return, a figure appeared in front of her.

The person hummed. It was Kiara. Alessia immediately straightened, tensing against the brick wall she was leaning against.

"You actually came," Kiara said, eyes wide as she placed her hands on her hips. "You can't imagine how surprised I am." She continued. Alessia said nothing, holding her breath and waiting for the horrible insult that Kiara was going to throw at her.

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