Chapter Twenty-Four

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^ I made that cover in ten minutes and it's both the funniest and coolest thing I've ever seen I can't ^

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't even ask if it was Alessia's body I was in or not. I just kind of knew. I expected that, if I wasn't, I'd feel different. Not more like myself, but more in tune...I don't know. These days I've forgotten what it's like to be myself, and not Alessia Trent.

Alessia's morning routine went by in a blur, and I was soon sitting in our registration class once more, feeling out of sorts as I watched one by one as people from my own friendship group joined the class, walking straight by me and towards the real Olivia Clark. She greeted them all the same, as though they were all her best of friends. Though, Alessia did notice that she was much more affectionate with Dylan, the hug lasting longer and a conversation sparking as soon as they sat down.

I think I almost cried then. Just watching Dylan and I interact, the way he took the seat next to me, the way he played with the sleeves of my jumper as I talked, the way he never took his eyes off me.

That hurt Alessia, especially after what Dylan had witnessed at her house the other day. I sighed, she sighed, though for different reasons.

When she felt a presence beside her, she was prepared to tell Lucas to go away but, upon looking up, she saw that it wasn't Lucas who stood beside her. It was Dylan.

Her eyes widened, and I decided to let her take control of this moment.

"Dylan," she breathed out, watching him join her.

"Hey," he said, softly, "how are you doing?"

She smiled, "And here I thought you were just going to ignore me and flirt with Olivia." She joked. Dylan smiled, ducking his head, as if embarrassed.

"But yeah, I'm fine," she said, making Dylan raised his head and nod.

"If you need anything," Dylan began.

Alessia smiled, "I know." She finished, leaning over to take his hand into hers. Dylan watched the action, eyes curious as they flickered between Alessia's face and her hands clasped around his.

"You'll forever be the kindest boy I know," she said, aware of someone lurking behind her, but not caring a single bit as she held Dylan's eyes for more than just a second.

The person behind her, however, apparently wanted to be noticed; they cleared their throat.

Alessia looked up.
It was Lucas who was standing behind Alessia, looking broken as he glanced between Alessia and Dylan.

Alessia didn't care too much about Lucas and instead concentrated on the real Olivia and her friends as they glared at Alessia, whispering things to each other. Most of all, she noted Olivia's confusion, and it made Alessia happy to see Olivia upset.

I snapped out of it, and out of Alessia's control, to see Lucas running out of the door.

"Shoot," I said, pushing past Dylan, who had rose to leave, as I followed Lucas out. "Why, Alessia? For God's sake—I'm trying my hardest here–" I halted my speech as I broke out into a sprint, well, as fast as Alessia and I could manage.

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