Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dylan is a gentleman. But sometimes that doesn't bode well for him. I could tell by the way that he was kissing Alessia that he didn't want to be doing it, but he did it anyway, trying to protect her pride.

When Alessia was finally finished, Dylan's shirt was unbuttoned and hers was slipping down her shoulders.

She smiled down at him. "I knew you didn't love Olivia as much as everyone said you did," she said, "you love her just as a friend, but there's still room for more." She said, brushing his hair back.

She pressed a kiss against his lips before pulling away and getting back into her seat, buttoning up her shirt. She paused when she saw Dylan staring out in front of him, eyes wide.

"What?" She asked him, confused.

He swallowed, quickly buttoning his shirt back up, "I'll be back," he said, leaving the car as he tucked his shirt in.

Alessia's eyes followed Dylan to where he paused a few metres away from the front of the car. I was surprised when I saw who he began talking to. Ked.

Unbeknownst to Dylan, Alessia cracked her door open just enough to hear what they were saying. She had absolutely no idea of the meaning of privacy.

"...yeah, well here I was thinking you and Olivia were endgame; are you asking me to start shipping Alessan right now?" She heard Ked ask, making Alessia smile as she traced her lips with the pad of her index finger. She had enjoyed her kiss with Dylan, and it assured her that he was all for her and none for me. But she didn't know that it was all forced.

"I know, Ked and, trust me," he said, lowering his voice so that Alessia couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Yeah, but it still happened, and she's gonna expect you to kiss her a second time, and a third, and a fourth, and then it's bye-bye, Olivia," Ked said, shaking his head.

"I don't want to let Olivia go, Ked, that's not what this is," Dylan said, sounding upset. Alessia gritted her teeth at this, wondering if the only way she would be able to get rid of me would be to kill me.

Or, you know, have me be a prisoner of her life.

"Well you better sort this shit out, Dylan, otherwise you'll find Olivia kissing another boy—and I know that's not what you want." Alessia watched as Dylan ran his hand through his hair, tears springing to her eyes. She wouldn't let them spill, but she hoped Dylan wasn't just going to throw her away after what they just did.

Alessia, after what you just did. Dylan didn't reciprocate—even a rock would know that.

"Ked, I don't know what you want me to do," Dylan said, sounding exasperated.

Ked rolled his eyes, "Tell them both the truth—and you know which way 'round this should be." He said, before patting Dylan on the shoulder, murmuring something to him before he disappeared behind a wall.

It took a moment until Dylan finally turned around and walked back to the car.

He got into the car and sat there silently for a few moments before he sighed.

"Alessia I really like you, I do," he said, truthfully, showing as much as he gave her a sincere look. "And I don't think you deserve all the shit you get at school, but..." he said, making a crack run through Alessia's heart, "But what just happened can't happen again; I don't feel comfortable with it," he explained honestly, making a lump appear in Alessia's throat.

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