8 - Unexplainable Events

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Jim and Toby were off to find the den of goblins with the chubby tracker locater - that was around one of the goblins - on their bikes at a really late time.

Blake was just closing up the cafe and saw the boys riding around on their bikes in the middle of the night, "what are they up to?" Blake runs upstairs to her room and grabs her military jacket and went through her window. She grabs onto the ledge of the building and pushes herself off of the ledge and lands perfectly on the ground as a cat would do.

She tries to follow them, nearly losing sight of them, she quickly turns around the corner and she sees the museum, "the museum? Why would they come here?" Blake whispers to herself.

Blake adjusts her eyesight and notices two familiar figures. It was Jim and Toby hiding behind a bush, she quietly runs toward them but not too close. Once she was closer, they spoke about Ms. Nomura.

"It's the museum lady!" Jim announces quietly.

"And she has no idea it's infested with goblins!" Toby says.

Blake's eyebrows furrowed by that fantasy word: goblins. She hides behind the tree so they didn't see her sneaking behind them. She laughs it off and looks over the corner and saw them running toward the entrance of the museum. Blake was now getting highly suspicious about those two boys.

Jim and Toby go running around the side and Blake took her chance to go and do some parkour along the sides of the museum. Blake could feel her bones becoming weak but she made it to the roof.

She could hear screams from the inside. Blake quickly runs toward the roof windows and could see Jim and Toby being chased by a large pink thing. Blake gasps. Blake pushes all of her weight on the glass, it started to crack and Blake panics. She tried her best to get up but the more force she put into her arms, the quicker it started to shatter.

"How would you like the taste of daylight?" Jim questions with a smirk. He hears the glass break, without hesitation, he looks up and sees Blake falling.

Somehow, Blake was able to find a railing to catch to prevent her death. She breathes heavily and looks in front of her and saw them clearly. Jim was in armor and in front of him was a large pink goblin or troll.

"Blake, what are you doing here?" Jim questions loudly.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Blake exclaims as she tries to pull herself up from the bar.

Jim starts to fight Nomura with his not-so-well skills of swordsmanship. Toby encounters one of the goblins, the one specific goblin he sees in front of him. The Chubby Tracker Goblin. Toby glares at the little green goblin, "you... give it back! It's mine!" Toby tackles the goblin and started to roll around.

The Trollhunter swings his sword around, he decides to throw a swing at Nomura in her true form, but she catches it with her hands, "what are you?" Jim questions.

Nomura smiles evilly, "I am what kills you," Nomura throws Jim towards the wall. Jim yells in agony.

Blake gasps and she let's go of the railing. She grabs a metal pipe and raises the pipe in the air and charges toward Nomura.

"Die, you monster!" Blake exclaims as she throws a hit at Nomura, "don't you dare hurt Jim!" Blake continues to hit Nomura's back with the metal pipe. Nomura turns around and notices Blake trying to hit Nomura with a metal pipe.

"How cute, this girl wants to protect you," Nomura sang in a haunting voice, she violently grabs Blake by the neck and Blake was choking. She felt her breathing pipe being blocked.

"No, let her go!" Jim throws his sword at Nomura. She dodges and cackles softly. She looks at her hand and notices a cut on her finger and gasps dramatically.

"You're going to pay for that!" Nomura exclaims as she throws Blake into a large structure that was covered by a large sheet. Blake coughs and falls to her side as she tries to regain her breathing.

Nomura swings her boiling blades at Jim as he tries to block their blades. As Jim tried to dodge and hit Nomura. Nomura throws Jim into one of the banners. The banner falls onto him and Nomura cackles as she holds onto her burning blades.

Jim lifts the banner cloth off of him and looks back at Nomura who was getting ready to cut Jim until he was reminded about one of his lessons from Blinky.

He smirks and grabs the end of the banner, "Arrogance gets you killed!" Jim announces as he pulls onto it.

Nomura slips from the pulled banner and she lands on a goblin. Nomura grunts and slowly gets up and felt the slime of the remains of the goblins. Jim slowly sneaks away as the goblin gets ready to kill Nomura for killing their kinsmen.

"No, it wasn't me!" Nomura begs as the goblins try to devour her.

Jim took the chance to go towards Blake and carry her out of the museum. Toby follows the Trollhunter outside.

Blake opens her eyes softly and notices Jim, "Jim... I tried to save you from that thing... and I am sorry..." she officially was out cold in Jim's arms. He couldn't ride his bike with Blake in his arms.

"We have to get her to the hospital, she's completely out cold--" police sirens emitted loudly and the boys immediately raise their hands up and the police officer commanded them to go on the ground and hands on their head.

"We have the same description of the break-in of the museum and a girl that is out cold. Get medics out here with us to make sure she is okay,"

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