30 - For Arrrgh

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Blake was sneaking into the heart of the Heartstone where Vendel was and where Arrrgh was entering. She entered a minute later when they entered and she looked over the corner and saw Arrrgh reaching out his arm. Blake gasps, she decided to come out of the corner and slowly walked toward Arrrgh.

"Blake..." Arrrgh mutters in shock. He didn't expect for Blake to be the second one to find out about his arm turning into stone.

"Arrrgh, I suspected that something wasn't right," Blake takes a peek at Arrrgh's arm, "and now I know why,"

"Please don't tell friends, not Toby," Arrrgh begs.

Blake softly smiles, "don't worry, I won't. But, you have to tell the others,"

"Must help fight Gunmar,"

"Then, let's say that you punched a wall. You stubborn brute. But one of these days, they'll find you turned to solid stone," Vendel points out.

"When are you going to tell them?" Blake questions.

"Not today," Arrrgh pouts.

"Very well, my friend. Not today," Vendel agreed with Arrrgh's worry for Toby. Blake nods, she hugs Arrrgh large body and Arrrgh slowly but gently hugs her. Blake is now worried about Arrrgh. Blake sniffles a little bit but she contained her tears.

A loud horn blared outside of Vendel's office. Blake was confused, she never heard that before in Trollmarket. She helps Arrrgh out and led him outside. Blake and Arrrgh went to join the team where another troll kind was in Trollmarket.

"Aarghaumont, my kinstroll," They greeted, they both placed their foreheads and their troll markings on their body glowed.

"The centuries pass, yet you remain forever in our hearts,"

"My queen,"

Blinky introduces their new trollhunters, Jim and Blake. She grabbed Jim's face and inspected it. Blake laughed. She knew why the Queen looked at Jim first. The Midnight Amulet was once used by the Gummgumm's and to think the creator was Merlin who also created the Daylight Amulet. Blake was astonished herself when she found that out.

"Ask her about the stone," Toby whispers as he nudges Jim.

"Your Highness... Lady?" he starts, Blake cringes, "I recently heard a story about the deep caverns and a magical stone,"

"A stone?"

Toby decided to sneak in to help Jim, "A trilogy of sorts? Some might say of the Triumbic variety?"

"That's not how you speak to a Queen!" Vendel shouts as he cuts them from speaking with his staff. The Queen laughed at their informality, but she couldn't help the Trollhunter even if she had the stone. Jim was going to ask about why she was here but Vendel immediately cut them off to offer them a game of PyroBligst. All of the trolls cheered.

Queen Usurna smiles, "then it is wise that I brought with me our tribe's heartiest trolls,"

"Arrrgh will represent us. To be paired with our Daylight trollhunter," Vendel announces.

"Yeah! Go, Jimbo!"

"Wait, PyroBligst? What is that? A game?"

"Oh, it is a tradition as old as it is dismembering. I shall look forward to the game, later this evening," Vendel says with a smile. Jim's expression immediately turned into fear. Blake was just as confused as Jim about the game but wasn't feared by the dismembering part.

Blake looked at the big brute beside her. No matter when she looked at him, all she saw was an upcoming death.

Before he can begin with the gaming, the Daylight Trollhunter had decided to cleave the stone he retrieved from Gatto to put it in the back of his amulet.

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