23 - Discovering

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Steve was in Blake's face. He had a flirty face and Blake was unimpressed by this kind of action when a dance is close, "Since I am going to be crowned as the Spring Fling King, I need you to be my Queen," Steve states. Blake cringes.

"Yeah, right, I will not be a Queen..." Blake closes her locker, "since I am an executioner!" Blake growls as she goes walking to Jim and greets him with a wave. Steve grits his teeth.

"You actually asked every girl in the whole school?" Jim questioned his best friend surprised that he did.

"Nope! Saved Claire just for you, buddy. I didn't wanna promblock you," Toby points out.

Blake eyes went widen, "you still haven't asked Claire to the dance yet," Blake gasps dramatically, "are you stalling or wussing out~?"

"Hey, I'm just waiting for my moment,"

Toby wraps his arm around Jim's neck and brought him down to his height, "that's what they call wussing out these days, wussy," Toby smiles proudly.

"They're both correct, Master Jim," Blinky - Mr. Blinky agrees with Toby and Blake's fact. The Trollhunters jump when they saw Blinky in the school grounds. Blake had a bad feeling all of the sudden. However, Blake shakes those thoughts and decided to jump back into the group of the conversation.

"Why were you in the library of our school?" Jim questions.

"I exhausted all of the Trollmarket's resources pertaining to the mysteries mark Angor Rot painted on your forehead," Blinky points at Jim's forehead.

"Technically, it's on half of his face," Blake corrects Blinky.

"Ah, yes, sorry. On half of your face," Blinky corrected himself after Blakes correction, "then a thought occurred to me, 'what about the library - in Arcadia Oaks High?'," Binky wonders to himself as he recalls to that memory. Jim and Toby wondered if he had found anything.

"Sadly, all I learned was that Master Jim is a wuss when it comes to the fairer sex," Blinky states. Toby nods, he looks behind him and saw the mole mascot walking.

"Look at that hypnotic, bewitching allure of that swaying mole. Excuse me, seems I was wrong about asking out every non-Claire girl in school," Toby sharpens himself up as he goes walking to the mole mascot with a smug.

"Does he even know if a female is, in fact, beneath that costume?" Blinky questions.

"I really don't think it matters," Jim responds. As he said that, the mascot goes into the female washroom. Toby squealed as they knew about the mascot being a female. The other three had their eyes wide open.

"Hey, you!" they all look behind them and saw Coach Lawrence, "you have a visitor's pass?"

"My dear sir, I dare say, my humanity is my pass," Blinky remarks happily, Jim sighed and places his hand on Blinky's shoulder.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work. You might wanna run,"

"Why on Earth would !?" Blinky was suddenly grabbed by into a headlock. Coach Lawrence drags them out of the school grounds as he was yelling "Stranger Danger".

As they watched Blake taps Jim on the shoulder, "hey, come to Trollmarket after school," Blake immediately ran jogged to the entrance.

"Wait, where are you going, we can go together and tell me on the way,"

"No thanks, I am caught up in my work, you need to catch up!" Blake exclaims as she goes onto her motorcycle and drives away while doing a wheelie. He shrugs and does what she told him.

~ ~ ~

Blake was sitting in the Heartstone with Vendel just poking around at her amulet, "Blake!" Blake smiles and jumps onto her feet.

"You made it, there is something about the stone that Vendal wanted to show you," Blake says as she steps to the side and saw Vendal looking at the table.

"Um, Master Vendal?" Jim calls out nervously.

"I am known to no troll as 'Master',"

"Oh, okay. Well, Vendel--"

"But I like the sound of it coming from you," Vendel says happily as he brings out the Birthstone that Jim had achieved at Gato's keep. He was told to cleave it. Jim questioned about it and Vendal told a story about humans cleaving stones to make beauty but Trolls cleave it to earn its power. Jim takes the equipment he was given and started to cleave the Birthstone of Gunmar. With another hit, Jim was able to break the stone in half and revealed a little stone inside.

"Excuse me for wondering but then, why are you helping me?" Jim questions.

Vendal sharpens the sides of the stone, "you are determined to save Claire's brother?"

"I am,"

"Then for everyone's sake, what choice have I but to do all within my power to make sure you are successful?" He puts turns the machine off and handed Jim the stone, "its pure form,"

Jim was in awe when he saw the stone. He takes it and put it in the back of his amulet. It glows into a red mist and it ended up summoning Jim's armor. The floating pieces of his armor spun around him and assembled around his body. It was still glowing a red mist from the blue linings and began to fade.

"Okay. So, what just happened?" Jim questions.

"I am unsure. Properly cut gemstones work in ways one can never predict. Only discover," Vendel says.

"I wanna discover," Jim proclaims. Vendel then tells Jim where the second stone was.

~ ~ ~

"Hey, Blake," Jim gets her attention, "how did you know that I had to cleave the stone?" he questions.

Blake stops in her tracks and the memories came flowing back in her head like a rough river, she chuckles, "I found all the stones in one try,"

Jim's jaw drops before he could question her about how she did that. Blake began to say a story about her journeys, "when I was just a little girl, I found stones that looked pretty. It glowed and I wondered why it did that but I kept them for my 'pretty gems collection'. It was a stupid name. The first stone was founded in the Dominican Republic, called a Larimar. It's bright blue and smooth. Paraiba Tourmaline, a lighter blue of Larimar, which is in Paraiba of Brasil. And Taaffeite, it's found in Florida. Then one day, I went to visit Arcadia I immediately went to Trollmarket and got it cleaved. I achieved parts of the armor like yours," Blake recites from her past.

"Do I get a helmet?" Jim questioned happily.

Blake laughed, "yes, you do, but I don't know exactly which stone will reveal your helmet. But, when you reveal it, I want to be the first one to see it," Blake smiles. Jim nods and agreed to that promise.

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